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GITY OF RQS�VILLE <br />Regulax n�eeting of the Czty Council - Septe�r�ex 20, 1976. <br />'i13e City Council met o.r. the above date the following <br />members preser��: hlayor I?emas, Covncilmen Andersfln, Cur�ey, <br />Grauel anc� Hess. <br />�-1 Andezson i�ioved, Hess Secanded, that the minutes o� the meeting <br />of September 13, 1976, be approved with the £ollowing am�ndrr�nt: <br />I�em B-10 should read: <br />"Anderson Moved, Curley Seconded, that Allied Stores <br />request for preliminary plat, xezoning £rom I-1 and. <br />B-I �.o B--1 an�d B-1-B, speczal use permit and variance <br />to szgn size and parking at 1758 West High��ay 36 be <br />approved wi'th �he conditi.on that: <br />Ie Th� developmen�t o£ the entire tract be developed <br />substantially in accordance with the plans sub- <br />mit�ed by the applicant dated September �3, 1�76. <br />Z. Thar all pxoperCies rezoned I-I to B-I be deed <br />restricted as proposed by the applicant io exclucle <br />from the future use of the land alJ. uses, except <br />those provided for i.n the B-1 Districr o£ thE <br />zaning Code of the City of Rosevi.11e. <br />3. Tha� the applicant con-Cribute $20,OOQ as proposed <br />by the applican� for the use of a solution ta the <br />traf�ic situatian at �he intersection of Fairvietiv <br />Avenue and �rontage Road by either af th� fallowing <br />two �nethods, as may be determined raast apprapriate <br />by the Counci.l: <br />a. Construction of a ter�arazy or permanent <br />semaphore signal at the �.nt�rsection of <br />Frontage Road ana Fairview, <br />b. Or the co�structian of an alternative access <br />to fihe GZuek Lan.e Property. <br />4. That the applicant �ost a p�rforman.ce bond �n the amoun� <br />af ane and ane half times �he total cost of the J.and- <br />scaping in ordex to assure that the land.scaping is de- <br />veloped zt� aCCOrdance with the pl�.n; <br />and that a pubZic hearing on the final plat be es�ablished <br />for Oetob�r 18, 19'15. Rall Call, Ayes: Anderson, Curley, <br />Grauel and Hess. Nay�s: D�mos." <br />Ro11 Ca11, Ayes: And�xsan, Curley, G-icauel, Hess and Demos. <br />Nays: None. <br />7:�0 P.M. <br />A�IN[TF`� <br />