<br />B-1 Curley �luved, Hess 5econded, that Goofey's Bar reQuest for
<br />on-sale wine iicense at 2174 Narth Da1e Stree� be approved
<br />wi.th the conditzoxt that the applicant provide a revised
<br />Cer�ificate of �nsurance which names the Czty of Roseville as
<br />an additiona� in.sured and also includes liquor liability
<br />?nGurance caverage. Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Curley, Grauel,
<br />Hess and Demo�. Nays: None.
<br />B-2 Gxauel Moued, Anderson Secoxzded, that Michel's Construc�ion
<br />Company's request £or final plat approval "Michel's Lake Park"
<br />at 250Q North f-�a.�nZine Avenue be continued until �.he Couricil
<br />meetixig o£ September 27, I976. Roil Call, Ayes: AndErson,
<br />Curley, Grauel, Hess and Demas. Nays: None.
<br />B-3 Gxaue7. Maved, Anderson Seeonded, that Baxry 0'Meara's request
<br />for final plat approval "Hedlund Southview" and vacatzon o£
<br />righ�-of-way a� about 3051 Narth fiaix�view Avenue be con�inued
<br />imtil the Cotm.cil meetang ot Sep�e�nber 27, 1976. Roll Ca1I,
<br />Ayes: Anderson, Curley, Grauel, Hess and Demos. Nays: Nane.
<br />C-� Hess Moved, Grauel Secon�.ed, that th� Cauncil meeting scheduled
<br />�ar �ctaber 1�, I976, be cancelZed as it is a legal holiday,
<br />R,oI� Cal�, Ayes: Anderson, Cur�ey, Grauel, Hess ana Demos.
<br />Nays : Non,e .
<br />E-1 Andexsan Aqoved,, CurZey Seconded, that a bingo license be issued
<br />Jacabson Memori.al Auxiliary Past No. 487 to hald 2 or £e�ver
<br />bingo games. Rc�l.l Ca11, Ayes: Andersan, Curley, Grauel, Hess
<br />and Demos. Mays: Nane.
<br />F`' Gxauel Moved, Hess Secor�ded, tha�e Hillcrest Safety EquiprrPent
<br />Company be awarded the bid £or a�ert moni�ors and arnplifiers
<br />for the Fire De�artment at �he �ow bid amour�t o� $5,288.00.
<br />Roll Call., Ayes: Ar�dersan, Curley, Grauel, Hess and Demos.
<br />E-3 Axxdexs�n h�oved, Hess Seconded, tha-� September 27, be established
<br />as th� da�e for final adopti.on o� the prapdsed 1977 annual Ca.ty
<br />Budge�. Ftoll CaZI, Ayes: Andersan, Curley, Grauel, Hess and
<br />I}E� s . Nays : None .
<br />E-4 Cuxley Moved, Anderson Secanded, that the fzxm of Geoxge M.
<br />Hansen Company b� retained to perfarm fihe 1976 financial audit
<br />in an amount not to exceed $9,50Qe Ro11 CaIJ., Ayes: Anderson,
<br />Curley,. Grauel, Hess and Lemos. Nays: None.
<br />E�-5 Gxauel Moved, Hess 5econded, that the City accept a perpetual
<br />eas�msnt £or sto�rn watex co7.�.ectian, s�orage, puri�icat.zon and
<br />panding on portions of Lots 1�hru 5 and Outlat C,��lock 1 of
<br />5we�ney's Southview Heights subd.ivision. Ro1� Ca1�, Ayes:
<br />.Anderson, Curley, Grauel, F�ess and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />F-5 Grauel I�'1r�ved, Hess Seconded, that Resol?ation No. 6�23 awarding
<br />the bic� �or Froject �fi-75-IO to F. Moret�ti.ni Construction Co. ,
<br />low bid.der, in the amoi.uit of �7,997.00, be adop�ed. Ro1I Call.,
<br />Ayes: And�rson, CurZ°y, Grauel, Hess and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />GOOFEY'� BAR
<br />MIC�iEL' �
<br />C�MPANY
<br />�•'�\i{\ , V� 4 \ �
<br />CANCELLAT'I0�1
<br />�F OCiOBER I3th
<br />��7
<br />�.97 7 BUDGET
<br />AUD�T
<br />EASII�SE�
<br />N0. fi423
<br />