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Case Number: 102i-76 <br />IVov�rr�ber 3, I976 <br />Page Two <br />4. The lot frantage on Lake Uwasso would be 140 �eet, 1Q0 feet and �3� <br />feet far Lots 1, 2, and 3 respectiveiy. 7he frontage is exelusive <br />of the driveway on South Owassa Boulevard which would be 130 feet, <br />130 feet, and 11Q feet for Lots 4, 5, and fi resp�ctive7y. You will <br />nate, too, that the iot sizes are large by normal Roseville standards. <br />The lots contiguous to Owasso Boulevard are an Y►igh 1and and would <br />enjoy an excellent view of the lake. It wot��d be helpful 3f inembers <br />af the Planning Corrmission and Cauncil were to visit the s�te t� <br />ascertain the site conditions and potential, vrith particula�^ emphasis <br />placed on the terrain and tree cover. The platting as proposed would <br />7eave the terrain and tree cover virtua�ly intact, and is in our <br />opinion a plan appropriate for serious consideratian for C1ty approval. <br />