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Roseville P1ann�ng Co�nission Minutes <br /> s�ay, �Vfl�remb er 3, I9 7 b <br />The November 3, I976, regular meeting of the Roseville Planning Commission was <br />cal.led to order by Chairman V. Johnson at 7:30 P.M. <br />Members presen�: G. Johnsan, Rukavina, Mastel, Simons, Cushing, V. Johnson <br />and Ke�lett. (arrived Iate) <br />Members absent: None. <br />Others present: Howard Dahlgren and Terry Kramer <br />A roval of Minutes <br />Mx-. Rukavina moved an� Mr. G. ,7ohnson seCOnded, that the minutes of the regulax <br />meeting of October b, 1976, be approveda Roll Call, Ayes: G. Johnson, Rukavina, <br />Mastel, Simons, Gushing and V. Johnson. Nays: None. <br />Planning File 1021 - J. M. Duddleston Preliminary P1at "Duddlesfon Lake" at <br />445 South Owasso Boulevard <br />Discussion <br />Mr. Duadleston reviewed his attempts a� replatting �he property he owns on South <br />Owasso Boulevaxd. He has since purchased an additional tract of land and his intent <br />now is to form six ].ots from 3� acres where his former plat foxmed foux lois from <br />slighily more than 2 acres. <br />Mrs. DeZelex, 393 South Owasso Boulevard, inquired as to the size of bts. <br />Mr. A. H. Nellessen, 411 South Owasso Boulevard, inquired as to the code as �t <br />pertains to buiiding on a lakeshore. When told that ax� applicant must stay 75 fee� <br />back from the water's edge and 10' from each property line, he requested that the <br />Planning Coirnnission ma.� as a condition of this plat a 20 foot side yard se�back. <br />Nh�. V. Johnson explained that the code stated that a 10' side yard se�back was <br />pexmzssible a.nd that this body could not make a condition wh�ch was more restrictive <br />than the code. <br />Recon¢�tendation <br />Mx�. Si.mons moved a.nd Mr. Rukavina seconded, that J. M. Duddleston's request for <br />pr�liminaxy plat "DucldZeston Lake" at �45 Sauth Owasso Boulevard be approved. Ro11 <br />Ca11, Ayes: V. Johnson, Kellett, Rukavina, Mastel, Simons, C�.�shing and G. Johnson. <br />Nays: None. <br />Planning File 102Q - Rosedale Center request for aiaendment ta parking rec{uirement <br />Discussion <br />Mr. A1 Hanson, Manager of Rosedale Center, and Mr. She11y Johnson, a traffic engineer <br />for Barton Aschman Consultant Engineers, represented Rosedale Center on this ma.tter. <br />