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-a- <br />Mr. Dahlgren indicated that Ros�dale Center was requesting the Council to consider <br />a change zn the zoning code which would reduce the required parking for a regional <br />shopping center from the present restriction to S.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet <br />gross leasable area. Mr. Da.hlgren indicated that this request seems reasonable on <br />the basis on an extensive report that had just been comple�ed by the Barton Aschman <br />firm and the recognizable fact that many shapping centers have in the past been built <br />with excessive par]cing being required of them; Har Ma.r, being an example of this. <br />Mr. Dahlgren also indicated that he had reviewecl the parking restrictions in all <br />districts and at this time was ma.lcing suggestions for changes in those parking <br />restrictions. These changes being Iisted in Table �I of his report. <br />Mr. V. Johnson inquired that upon xevzew of Tab1e II it appeaxed the greatest <br />change in parking was in the hospital requirements. <br />Mr. G. Johnson asked the source o£ the remai.nder of the recommendations and Mr. Dah1- <br />gren replaed that they came fxom publications by the Urban. Land Institute, other <br />co�nianities a.nd hxs experi�nce thatc had been gained through warkin.g with various <br />com¢rn.mzt�.es in the metropolitan area. <br />Mr, Kellett asked if it would be safe to say that standards had been reduced except <br />for the hospital zone. <br />Mr. Dahlgren stated that this was not the case but that res�auxants were increased. <br />It has been found that restaurant parking as required by our present code is <br />�nader{uate and that greater definition could be gi.ven to the restaurant parking pro- <br />blem through the use of �he four categories as given in TabZe II. <br />Recomanendation <br />Nfr. Rukavina moved and Mrs. G�shing seconded, that the City Council shvuld consider <br />cha�ging the City Code's parking requirements to those being praposed zn Table II as <br />presented by Howard Dahlgren, with the add�tion that a shopping center zone require- <br />ment be added, that requxrement being S parking spaces per 1,000 sc{uare �eet gross <br />leasable area. It was fuxthex moved that the parking requirement change for a shopping <br />center district should be considered even though �he Council may wish ta not rev�se <br />the park�.ng require�nents in �he other districts at this time. Ro11 CaI1, Ayes: <br />G. Johnson, Kellett, Rulcavina, Mastel, Simons, Cushing, V. Johnson. Nays: Nane. <br />Ad j ournment <br />Mr. Rukavina moved and Mr. Kellett seconded, tihat the meeting be adjourned at <br />8:21 P.M. Ro11 Ca1Z, Ayes: G. Johnson, Kelleit, Rukavina, Mastel, Simons, Cushing, <br />V. Johnson. Nays: None. <br />