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�R1NiN A. P�'PERSOAi <br />ROdri2T G. 9cLf.. <br />WSR.L,AF2D L.. G0.lV�f258 <br />RO.^a�rR A. �EN9EN <br />xu�r F. wA�.Y��R <br />w. r��tor�t� lanLCHO�x <br />►.1ARiiN J. CQ57�.t.LO <br />LAY'J t7�'�-:Ccs Oi= <br />��TEr?�a1V. BELL & �.rUT�IV�f�'SE <br />IB00 AMERICAN NATlONAL EIANK p�1iLp1NC. <br />101 ��ST FIFT!-F 5iFt�Fi <br />s-r. �AU�.. ��r�NESO-�A �sioi <br />22A-A703 {g12} <br />December �, X976 <br />City Couxa.c�l <br />City of Roseville. <br />2b60. Civic Center Dzive <br />Rosevx.�.�.e, Ni�nnesota 5.5113 <br />Dea� C�iy Counci�: <br />� <br />lF1P[}�lHAPOR,l� <br />fOS� SO4£ BLtI{:DIN6 <br />, �� <br />� <br />Re: Cit�r �a�I Azchitectt��al �e� <br />Qu.r ��,le No � �I.�-F�8 <br />EXlerbe �issociates, xnc_, b.�r its :lettez to the <br />City Manager dated November 29, 1976, has of�er�d to <br />reduce its total bi�ling by $�,06�.Q0. This at�e� was <br />made a���r severaZ �xtended nego-�:�ations hG��,ree�i m�se:lf_, <br />Mr _ HQnchell and P�r. And�e and ren7-esentati�r�� o� <br />E�lerbe. They agre� that certain. oF the adclitzonal casts <br />incu�.��d by the C�t� zn the canstruc�ion. af the City Hall <br />ar,� attribt�tab�.e to Ell�rb� `s errors and amis5a.ons and <br />the r�ductzon in the billing re�lects that admiss�an. <br />Zn our opa.nion �he o��er is fair and ar�dsonab�_� _ <br />Yf the Council concu�s, we suggest the fa�.�owiz�g <br />M�tian be ado�t�d: <br />" ' � maves that T�Ierbe <br />Assocxates, Znc.'s affe_r �o rer3uccy theix <br />tc�tal by $4,�50.OQ� in order ta <br />offse-c a por�ion af the addi.tiona� costs <br />�.ncurr�d by th� Gity in can ,tru�ti�n o�_ <br />the City Ha�.�. as the resuit of cextain <br />e�rors and omissiQns by E�Ierbe Associates, <br />�nc., be accep�ed." <br />E11�ri�e Associate5, �nc. should ther� b� adtr.isea <br />of -�he Cauncil's actian. <br />1jAJ/pen <br />�c�:���--�v'� �y <br />I �;:I���''�N <br />C. �" �� <br />Roge A J <br />.�=�,.� <br />�-Y , <br />& CQ�VEP•SE <br />