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�s�t 1 5-F 1- n/ G C� ��D y N K� nl CE <br />9Q. Snowmobiles <br />�� <br />90.�10_ �ncor oraiion bv Referenc�. The regnlatory pruvisions and d�finiEions <br />of i�,�inn�sota Statutzs 8�.i� 1 throngh an includino 84.88, as arrizn�ed by Laws of <br />�linnesnta 19b9, Chapter b95, are her�by aclopted as an ordEnance regulating the <br />us� of srtowmobiles in ttte Villaoe, and are hereby incorporated ia and rnade a p�rt <br />a#� this Code_ <br />90.0'20. Resiricted Areas. No person shall opzrate a snotivrr�obile on any nf the <br />following pEaces: <br />(I) On ViIla�e streeis, except a crossinh of a Vzllage stre�t may be <br />made if the follo�,vin� are complied tivith: <br />(a) Thecrossin�ismadeatananol�ofaQproxzmaialy90deg-reesio <br />the d'zrectzonoft�iehig$way an�.ataplacetivh�reno ob�tructionpre- <br />vents a quick and sa£e crossino arid <br />(b) The sno�vmobile is brought to a camplete stop before crass- <br />ing the shoulder ox maui traveleil �vay of the l�zighway; and <br />(c} The driver yields the ri �ht of way to all oncotnino traff c ivhich <br />constitu#z� an �tnmediate�azard; and <br />(d) In crossing a divided high�,vay, ihe crossing i� mac3s only at <br />2n i nters�etion of suc�i ]iighway with anotner pu�Iic st-reet or high- <br />_- -way; and � <br />(e} I� the crossing is made beitiveen th.e hours af one--hal#' hour <br />afier sunset to onE-half haur before sunrise or in coz�ditions of <br />reducecl visibility, only iF botn front and xear lignts are on_ .- <br />{2) On a public sidewaiic grovided for pedestrian travel. <br />{3) On boulzvards within any public ri�ht of way. <br />(4) On grivate groperty of another withaut speci#ic permission of ihe owner ar <br />person in contro! of said propzrty. <br />(5) Upon any schooi grounds except as permission is expressly obiained frorn <br />responsib[e school authorities. <br />{b) Ori any other public placz or grnunds except as may be specifcally <br />p�rmiEtzd by other provisions of the Village Code. <br />(7) , At any place closer than �ne Hundred Fifty (150) �eet frorn any resident <br />building. <br />9�_03(�. Tirne nf 0 eration. Snolvrnobiles sha{1 not be o�erated durinJ the <br />h�urs from 1Q:OQ p.rn_ ta 7:40 a_m. except on Friciay and Satarday �vnen they <br />may ba opzrated unti� 12:OQ psn. rnidnioht. <br />90.0�0. S�eed of O erat'son_ �To person sha11 operate a snowmobiie on any . <br />public street as perr[titte y t is ordinance at a speed exceeding Ten �10) znit�s <br />pzr hour. <br />90.05p. Traf�ic Reaulation�. Vi11aJe traf#ic ordinances sh� appIy to tne <br />operation o snovrmon' es upan streets and hi�hr�vays, except for those relating to <br />required equiprn�nt, and except those whzch by their nature have na appiication_ <br />90.Oo0_ Tntersectians. No snow�npbile shall enier any uncontroI[ed intersec- <br />tion without r�akina a complete stop_ The operator shaii then yiejd the right of <br />way tn any vehicles or pedestrians at the intersection, or sa close to tha <br />intersection as to constitu#e an imznediat� hazard_ <br />9Q.070_ A�e of_ O�sraEor. No person under 14 years of aae sizall operate oR <br />streets or make a direct crossing of a city ar village street as the operaEor of a <br />s�owm�bile. A person 14 y��rs of age or older, but less than 18 yv3CS OE 2oe� may <br />operate a snowmobile on streets as ptirmitted under tltis orciinance and make a <br />duect crossing of suc� streets only if he has in his immecliate possession a valid <br />sno�rmoi�ila safety certi�cate issued by the commissioner oF conserva#ion as <br />pro�deil hy hlianesota Statutes 84_8b (6). <br />