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90.08fl_ Owners Responsibi�iiy_. it is unlawful for the owrcer of a snowmobile <br />to permit the snawmob�le to �be operated con#rary Eo the pro�RSions of this section_ <br />9Q.030. Additional Re�ulations. Any of the follo�ing shall be an uniawf� <br />act_ <br />(1) Using a snovvrnobi.le to totiv any person or thia� in a public stre�t or <br />highway except througn use of a ri�d tow bar attach�d to ir.s rear of the <br />snowmobiie. , <br />(2} Operatin; a snowznobile cvithin Or.e Hundred (I00) feet o� any fisherman, <br />pedestrian, s.�catino rink or slidir.g rink tivitere ihe opec� �vpuld conflict �uitl� use <br />4r endanJar other gersons or operation. <br />90.100. Equiprrtznt_ All snotivmobiies operaEed within t.�:e V�Iiag� sh�ll have <br />the fallov�ino equipmeni: <br />(1) Era�Ces ad�uate ta control the movernent oi and to sto�s and hoid th� <br />snovrmobile under any condition oF operetion. <br />(2) A safety or so�allad "deadman" throttEe in operaiin� conclitean_ A sa�ety <br />or "deadman" throt�Ie i� defined as a devica which when pressure� is rzmoved frora <br />the engiae accelera.tor or ihrotti�, causes ti�e motor to be disenaage� frozrc the � <br />drivina track. <br />(3) I�Yhen operated between the hours of one-half hour after sanset to one-haif <br />hour before sunrise or at times of reduced vi�ibiiity, at least ane clear lamp <br />attached to the front, �vith sufiiciei�t intensity Eo revzai perso,is and vzhicles at a <br />distanea of at le�sk I04 feet ahead durin, the hours of darkness norsnal <br />atmosphzric conc�itions. 5uch head larnp shall be so aimed that glarino rays are not <br />projected into the eyES of an oc�cornin; snowmobiie operaior_ it sh�ll also be <br />equippad with at least ona red tail Iar�p having a minunum cancttepov��r of <br />sufficient intensity to exhibit a re�' �i�t plainly visible from a distance of 500 feet <br />to iine rear ducing iiours oF da�kness �nder norma! atmosphzne conditinns_ <br />{4) A pennant fiag nf red or �iaze material, at least 1�4 square inches in area, <br />at a hei�# of noL less than 6 feet from thz ground leve! at aay time where the <br />vehiclz is operate� on pubiic streets_ <br />{S) Refleetivs materiai at least lb square inches os► each side, for�vard of th� <br />handIebars, so as to reElect Ii�hts at a nin�L� dzgree angle_ <br />(Source: �rd. �70, as ainended by Ords. 6i4 and 658}_ <br />