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������7 ! f �i�i CV�i�Lol� l��I���� <br />AGENDA SECTIQN: <br />, Reports � RecorrQnendatian <br />ITEM f�i0.: ITEM DESCRIP�ION' <br />�!/ General Revenue Sharing <br />ORIGINATING DEPT. /DIV.: <br />Administration <br />MEETING <br />DA7E: <br />�EPT_HEAD APPROVAL_ <br />MGR. REVIEWED/RECOM1ulENpS: <br />The General Revenue Act will expire llece�ex 31, 1976. When the program expzres, <br />the City will have received an estirnated �810,QOU £or the five year period. Of this <br />amoun�, the City has used or commit�ed $125,000 for �he new city ha1l and �375,000 £or <br />the third �xxe station building and land. Tnterest earnings on these funds �vi11 be <br />approximately $50,000. Ther�fore, there will be an estixnaied $360,000 that wii.]. not <br />havz been used or committed. " <br />In Jun�, 1976, th� City wi11 be required �o pul�lish a"Planned Use" report for the General <br />P.evenue Sharing funds applicable to the period JuZy 1, 1976, thraugh December 31, 1976 <br />(agproximately $90,OQ0, which is included in the �360,000 �igure above). "Planned Use" <br />reports for prerrious entitlement per�ods designated vaxious genera.l categories {Publzc <br />Safety, Transportatzon, A�ultipurpose General Government} provided on the form. It was <br />recogna.zed by the Counci� that these designations were tentative ana that a morE <br />deliberative process wauld be required befare these funds �aould be ac�ually expended <br />or specifically encLUnbered for a partiicular purpose ar use. <br />Thexe have been several inquiries of interest �rom variouS organizations and individttals <br />abou-� the process of the use of these funds and ha�.� ideas or suggestions may <br />be made into that process. Under the provisions of the Revenue Sharing Act there are <br />no specific or required procedures £or sa� cxtizen suggesti.ans. One mechan.zsm <br />of facilitating such �nput would be to set a meeting date ta receive suggestions on the <br />use of such funds. <br />The City staff will also be xeviewing program nee�.s of the City and�pravide suggested <br />possible use of these ftznds. In addi�Cion, indivxduaZ Coimcil me�bers may wish to <br />provide suggested uses. <br />Over the next tw�o �to three months the City wi11 be reviewing projected capital improvement <br />needs for the City. In addition, the annual budgetxng process wi1Z cammence in June. <br />Also, cflngressional proposals for re-enaci�nent of Revenue Sharing should be decided one <br />way ar �he other by A'fay or June. It woul.d there£ore i�e anticipated that a sotu�d decisian <br />on the use of Revenue Shaxing fLmds could be made no Iater than June, 1976. <br />It is rECOmmended tl�at a specific daie of b�arch 29 be established to receive citizen <br />st�ggestions an the use of Revenue Sharing ft�as, and. �hat official notice of such meeting <br />be published in the Rnsevi�l� Sun. on February I8 and 1�?arch 17. <br />If the Council conc�s with this appxaach the s�aff wi1l prepare information vn the Reyenue <br />Sharing Act and ather supplemental data to assist �.he Coimci]. �n the process of determining <br />its use. This infaxmation will be provzded. as saon as possible and �Jell in advance <br />of the meeting. <br />Recommended Action: Motian ta establish the xegular Gouncil meeting of A�arch 29, 197b, <br />as the time when the Council would receive suggestions on the �e <br />of General Revenue Sharing funds ana that an offxcial n.oti:ce of <br />such meeting be publ�.shed in the Raseville SLm. on Febr�iary 18 and <br />Nlarch 17 . <br />