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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
2/24/2012 1:53:58 PM
Creation date
2/24/2012 1:53:55 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 23,2012 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Mayor Roe offered strong City Council support of bringing the Northeast Diago- <br /> nal back to the forefront. <br /> Councilmember Pust opined that the City Council should be more supportive of <br /> the legislative delegation; and encouraged them to invite the City to the table for <br /> discussions. Councilmember Pust advised that, in the long-term, the public trans- <br /> portation needs of the northeast suburbs and Ramsey County residents needed to <br /> be back on the map. Councilmember Pust thanked the delegation for their ser- <br /> vice, noting that they weren't thanked enough for their dedication and time in rep- <br /> resenting the community and area. Councilmember Pust specifically thanked <br /> Rep. Greiling for her twenty years of work for the area, opining that the whole <br /> community was already missing her. <br /> Councilmember Pust questioned if there was anything to report back on yet on the <br /> community survey currently in progress by the legislative delegation, and any ar- <br /> eas of interest to Roseville or the broader area. <br /> Rep. Greiling advised that the Survey Monkey results were still pending. <br /> Sen. Marty noted his recent meeting with the Fourth Congressional District with <br /> Sen. McCollum, and the obvious lack of representatives of local NE suburbs at <br /> the table, and the need to get things back in the bonding bill that were supportive <br /> of this area. Sen. Marty advised that if the larger version of the proposed Stillwa- <br /> ter Bridge was approved, Highway 36 traffic had the potential to get much worse, <br /> and while MnDOT plans for expanding Highway 36 were long-term, if more ve- <br /> hicles were channeled onto it, the timeline needed to be pushed forward signifi- <br /> cantly. <br /> Councilmember Willmus echoed the comments of Mayor Roe regarding the local <br /> option sales tax and homestead credits, as well as Councilmember McGehee's <br /> comments on better pedestrian and bicycle safety access. Councilmember <br /> Willmus noted that, with a local option sales tax, it would allow the City to put <br /> those dollars to work without going to the state for bonding; and would serve as a <br /> really important tool necessary to explore in the near future. <br /> Sen. Marty addressed market value homestead credit, opining that if it came back, <br /> it should be fully funded since it was not fair for the legislature to continue to chip <br /> away at it, however property tax relief was addressed, and not in name only but <br /> actually funded. Sen. Marty opined that this was an extremely difficult time for <br /> the City to seek local option sales tax, since the main concern at the state level <br /> since the 1970's was in maintaining the equity between communities. Sen. Marty <br /> advised that the opinion was that since the cities such as Roseville with significant <br /> retail benefited through higher property values from that commercial traffic, <br /> thereby compensating them for the additional hassles of retail. Sen. Marty sug- <br /> gested that the burden should be on schools and counties, without taking state aid <br />
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