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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 23,2012 <br /> Page 18 <br /> d. Adopt a Resolution Rejecting Proposed Grass Lake Water Management Or- <br /> ganization (GLWMO) Joint Powers Language (JPA) and to Petition Dissolu- <br /> tion <br /> Public Works Director Duane Schwartz summarized staff recommendations, in <br /> conjunction with City of Shoreview staff recommendations to the respective City <br /> Councils for initiating dissolution of the Grass Lakes Water Management Organi- <br /> zation (GLWMO). Mr. Schwartz noted the rationale for this recommendation as <br /> detailed in the RCA dated January 23, 2012, and in accordance with provisions of <br /> the current JPA with the organization. <br /> Mr. Schwartz reviewed the background of this recommendation based on re- <br /> quirements of the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) to revise the cur- <br /> rent JPA, with that information provided to the City Council at previous meetings, <br /> and subsequent meetings of the mayors and applicable staff of member cities <br /> Shoreview and Roseville. Mr. Schwartz advised that the outcome of those meet- <br /> ings were consistent in recommending that a different direction be addressed for <br /> this organization, with three (3) potential recommended options for the respective <br /> City Councils to consider, detailed in lines 11 —39 of the RCA.. <br /> Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of staff's recommendation to reject <br /> the proposed revised JPA language and petition dissolution of the organization; <br /> however, she questioned the next step following that decision and the responsible <br /> parties to proceed with that next step. <br /> Mr. Schwartz advised that the responsible parties would vary depending on the di- <br /> rection determined and negotiated by the member cities on the best future for res- <br /> idents living in the geographical boundaries of this water management organiza- <br /> tion. Mr. Schwartz advised that, once both City Councils had taken action, staff <br /> would return at a later date seeking additional direction on the next steps. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Schwartz advised that it was up to the member <br /> City Councils to dissolve the JPA as per its parameters, and petition the GLWMO <br /> for dissolution. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Mayor Roe recognized members of the audience who may wish to comment on <br /> this item, including GLWMO Board Chair Jonathan Miller, GLWMO Tech- <br /> nical/Administrative Consultant Tom Petersen, and several Lake Owasso resi- <br /> dents (Joe Bester and Len Ferrington) were in the audience at tonight's meeting. <br /> However, no one came forward to comment on this issue. <br /> Johnson moved, Willmus seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 10967 (Attach- <br /> ment A) entitled, "Resolution Rejecting Proposed Grass Lake Watershed Man- <br /> agement Organization Joint Powers Language and to Petition Dissolution." <br />