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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 23,2012 <br /> Page 24 <br /> night's meeting materials and focused on residential input. Mr. Malinen advised <br /> that this would allow the City Council to take those survey results (Attachment A) <br /> and combine with the Imagine Roseville 2025 goal process (Attachment B). Mr. <br /> Malinen advised that this attachment was staff's attempt to match survey ques- <br /> tions with vision statements and goals, as well as areas of focus based on survey <br /> results. Mr. Malinen suggested that between staff and the City Council, this could <br /> identify ten (10)broad areas that staff could then develop into more specific strat- <br /> egies for achievement. City Manager Malinen suggested that a Cobalt representa- <br /> tive could participate in the strategic planning meeting for a maximum of fifteen <br /> minutes, at no additional cost to the City. <br /> Councilmember Willmus observed that it was difficult to pare down the survey <br /> wish list into a realistic strategy. <br /> City Manager Malinen reviewed the drivers of satisfaction and behavior designed <br /> into the survey at the City Council rather than staff level, and how to take those <br /> broad areas and show areas for improvements from the lower quadrant identifying <br /> those areas considered at a lower satisfaction rate by residents. <br /> Discussion included scoring of the survey based on American Consumer Satisfac- <br /> tion Index's 100 point range; qualitative versus quantitative measures. <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned the accuracy of the survey results from raw <br /> data. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that, while the survey results may be subjective, it made sense <br /> from his interpretation to focus energies in those areas not receiving as high of a <br /> citizen satisfaction response in the survey, in addition to other strategic planning <br /> opportunities. <br /> Councilmember Pust sought assurances that this presentation or discussion with <br /> Cobalt would not exceed fifteen minutes; opining that she was more concerned <br /> about the process for strategic planning for the remainder of the workshop, and <br /> questioned if individual Councilmembers had ideas on the process, structure and <br /> facilitation of the meeting. Councilmember Pust noted that strategic planning was <br /> only as valuable as those making the investment at the table, and that the process <br /> should be clearly laid out in advance, with any "homework" assignments com- <br /> pleted before the meeting. Councilmember Pust stated that it was her preference <br /> to have the City Council and Department Heads around the same table, rather than <br /> relying on other people's ideas, to discuss where the City currently was, where it <br /> will be in three and five years, and beyond that and how to accomplish listed <br /> goals. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred that some things were known intuitively, and some the City <br /> may not be able to influence, therefore City resources shouldn't be expended to <br />