Laserfiche WebLink
Proposal: Senior-relevant Roseville City-sponsored forums: <br /> • Held biweekly <br /> o Preregistration to determine expected audience size <br /> o Free <br /> o Advertised in <br /> • Printed media e.g.: Roseville City News,Roseville newspapers, St. Paul Pioneer Press <br /> • Messages on TV stations—private,cable,tpt2 <br /> • Notices in ISD622,ISD623 PTA newsletters <br /> • Posters in Ramsey Cty Public Libraries <br /> • E-notices on RSVL city website,Ramsey Cty Public Library websites(upcoming events) <br /> o Held in Roseville Skating Center or other city facility that is large enough for crowd <br /> o Co-sponsors TBD <br /> o Presenters: specialists within each discipline <br /> o Note: Some of these forums may also be of use to disabled individuals <br /> o Initial series of 6 forums to be repeated lx—2x/year,based on demand <br /> o Secondary series of additional above <br /> • Sample topics: <br /> • Housing modifications—assessment,do-it-yourself,vetting contractor(s),external funding available <br /> • Legal issues— <br /> o Minnesota Health Care Directives <br /> • All relevant details <br /> o Elder law—what is this legal specialty?etc. <br /> • Wills,Trusts and other estate planning <br /> • Veterans'and Medicaid benefits assistance <br /> • Life Care Planning <br /> • Asset Protection&Preservation <br /> • Issues related to theft or abuse of elders or vulnerable adults <br /> • Financial issues <br /> o Pensions,IRAs, social security payments,others <br /> • Legal requirements for drawing down Roth IRAs,traditional IRAs,403(b),401(k) <br /> • Is there an age limit for establishing/contributing to these accounts? <br /> o Reverse Mortgages—definition and description of reverse mtg counseling <br /> o How to protect assets for healthy/surviving spouse,when 1 partner needs exceptional care <br /> • Social security—preparing for <br /> • Medicare—preparing for,what @ section cover of Medicare covers <br /> • long term care insurance—analysis and what you get for your money; CLASS Act <br /> • VA benefits <br /> • formats for senior housing: <br /> o What senior housing options are available in MN? In Roseville? In the Twin Cities? <br /> • Living-at-home/block nurse -description/ <br /> • NORCs <br /> • Villages <br /> • Co-housing <br /> • Senior-only housing(apts,condos,etc.) <br /> • Assisted living <br /> o How do you evaluate these resources,before you need to use them? <br /> o Payment options? <br /> • Care-givers <br /> o Supportive services available/needed for <br /> o Respite care <br /> • Lyngblomsten model <br /> • Other <br /> • National Parkinson Foundation—respite grant application <br /> • <br />