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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 23,2012 <br /> Page 6 <br /> McGehee moved, Johnson seconded, receipt of the quarterly Shared Services up- <br /> date. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Pust; Willmus; Johnson; McGehee; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> Adopt a Resolution Categorizing City Fund Balances in Accordance with <br /> New Governmental Standards <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned if there was a need to reconsider the 35- <br /> 45% reserve in light of additional debt service being incurred with the bond issue; <br /> and impacts or adjustments needed due to that additional debt service. <br /> Mayor Roe pointed out that the 35-45% was the floor, and if the fund balance <br /> went higher, it would still meet the City's policy. <br /> Finance Director Miller noted that this policy only pertained to the City's General <br /> Operating Fund, with bonds accounted for in a separate and distinct fund. How- <br /> ever, Mr. Miller advised that this reserve percentage was intended to be sufficient <br /> to meet the City's general day-to-day needs; and when the City structured its debt, <br /> it assured that tax levies would be met. <br /> McGehee moved, Johnson seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 10964 (Attach- <br /> ment A) entitled, "Resolution Adopting Fund Balance Categorizations;" in ac- <br /> cordance with GASB Statement$54; and superceding a similar resolution adopted <br /> on November 28, 2011. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Pust; Willmus; Johnson; McGehee; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> j. Adopt Resolution Approving the State of MN Agency Agreement between <br /> Department of Transportation and City of Roseville for Federal Participa- <br /> tion in Construction <br /> Councilmember McGehee expressed her serious concerns with Phase II of the <br /> Fairview Pathway Project. <br /> Mayor Roe sought clarification from Councilmember McGehee on whether her <br /> concerns were related to technical aspects or other aspects of Phase II. <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned how a safe pedestrian pathway could be <br /> constructed on the east side; and at what point in the design process additional <br /> changes could be accommodated from Phase I. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that Councilmember McGehee question staff on that for <br /> follow-up outside the meeting; and personally expressed his reliance on staff's <br /> expertise regarding project design. <br />