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CITY OF R�SEVTI,LE <br />Regular Nleeting of the C�ty Co�ci1 - February 23, 197bo <br />The City CoLmcil met an the above date with the following <br />members present: Acting Mayor Curley, Co�cilmen Gx°aue�, <br />Hess and Anderson. Absent: A�a.yor Demos. <br />A-1 Hess Moved, Anderson Seconded, tihat the minutes of the meeting <br />o� February 9, I976 be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Grauel, <br />Hess, Anaerson and Gurley. Nays: Noneo <br />Grauel P�oved, Hess Seconded, that the Co�cil join with the <br />Acring Ma.yor in SLmday, February 29, �976, as <br />"The Many Faces of Wnmen" Day in Rosevill.e. Ro11 Ca11, Ayes: <br />�x°auel , Hess , Anderson and. Curley. Nays : P1one . <br />BM1 Grauel Moved, Hess Secondea, tha� the request af F.ay Kroiss <br />for final plat apprnval "White Oak Hills No. 2" at about <br />3030 North C1eveland Avenue be continued i.urt il �he meeting of <br />March 8, 1976a Roll Call, Ayes: Gx°auel, Hess, Anderson and <br />Curleyo Nays: None. <br />B�"Z Grauel Moved, Hess S�conded, that the request of Ken Reinhardt <br />f'or final pZat apprdval "Ken Reinhardt Addition No. 3" at about <br />907 Sherren be continued Lm�il the meeting of P�[arch 8, 1976. <br />Roll Call, Ayes: Grauel, Hess, Anderson and Curley. Nays: <br />Nonee <br />3 Grauel Mov+ed, Hess Seconded, that Ban-Con, Inc. rec{uest for <br />rezoning from R-6 and B-1 to R�1 and B-2 and final p1a� <br />"Hillsborough No. 4" at 2293 rdorth Rice Street be approved. <br />Ro11 Call, Ayes: Grauel, Hess, Anderson and CurZey. Nays: <br />None. <br />B-4 Hess l�ved, Andersan Seconded, that the request of James S�veeney <br />fnr final pZat app�°oval "S�reeney Southview Heights" at the 170Q <br />Block of Alameda be continued wztil the meeting of A1a.rch 29, <br />1976o Ro11 Ca1I, Ayes: Gxauel, Hess, Anderson ana Curley. Nays; <br />None, <br />C�1 Grauel Moved, Hess Secand.ed, that Kenneih Simons, 296b Narth <br />Simpson, be appointed to the Planning Comm:ission to fill the <br />unexpired term which expires nn March 31, 1977o Roll Ca11, Ayes: <br />Grauel, Hess, Anaerson and Curley. Nays: Nonea <br />Hess Iuloved, Anderson Seconded, that Bob LaShomb, 2587 North <br />Rice Street, be appointed to the Human Rxghts Commission to <br />fill an tmexp�.red term which expires an March 31, 1977. Rol� <br />Call, Ayes: Grauel, Hess, Anderson and Curley. Nays: None. <br />Hess Moved, Anderson Seconded., that Don Merkel, 2859 North Victoria <br />St�°eet, be appointed �o the R.ecreation Corr�nittee for a fu11 term <br />whsch expires on Ma.xch 31, 1979. Ro1I Call, Ayes: Grauel, Hess, <br />Anderson and Curleyo Nays: None. <br />7 : 30 P . I±!I . <br />MINUTES <br />PROCLAt�?AT ION <br />RAY KROISS <br />���►■:�:�i�I:I: ; �I <br />BAN--CON, INC � <br />JAMES SWEENEY <br />PLANNING <br />COAM�IISSION <br />HiII!�IAN RIGHTS <br />CONMISSION <br />RECREATION <br />CONA�IITTEE <br />