<br />G 1 G�auel A�oved, Andexsan Seconded, tha� Joyce Seaberg, 2240
<br />Sto Stephens Street, be appointed to the Recreation Gorrnnittee
<br />�or a full term which expires on P7arch 31, 1979, Roll Call,
<br />Ayes: Grauel, Hess, And.erson and Curleyo Nays: I�done.
<br />Anderson Moved, Hess Seconded, tha� Aobert �Teninga, 1887 1�est
<br />Shryer Avenue, he appainted to the Recreation Conunittee for a
<br />�i.i11 teY°m which expzres an March 31, 1979. Roll. Cal1, Ayes:
<br />Grauel, Hess, Andexson and Curley. Nays: None.
<br />DmI Hess Moved, Grauel Seconded, th,at the City Attorney be instructed
<br />to prepare an ordinance es�ablishing a wine license for the City
<br />o� Roseville at an annua.l fee of (xncluc�ing Sunclay) �1,500.00.
<br />Roll Call, Ayes: Grauel, Hess, Anderson and Curley� PJays; I�one.
<br />Epl Anderson Moved, Hess Seconded, that the request of Tusler Lodge
<br />�or ex�ension of their specxal use permit a� 1321 County Road B-2
<br />until Ju1y 21, 1976, be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Grauel, Hess,
<br />Anderson ana Curley. Nays: None,
<br />E-2 Gx°auel Moved, Andersan Seconded, tha� an expenditure of up to
<br />$12,000 be authorized from the Fire Sta�ion Constructian F�d,
<br />for �he purchase of furnishings and equipmen� for Fire Station
<br />Noo 3o Roll Call, Ayes: Grauel, Hess, Anderson ana curiey.
<br />Nays: Nonea
<br />E�3 Anderson Maved, Hess Seconded, tihat the Gity Managex be
<br />�uthorized to sign a contract with the Znternationai Union o�
<br />Operatin.g Engi_neers Local 49 for the periad of January Z, 1976
<br />�hrough December 31, 1976o Rol� Call, Ayes: Grauel, Hess,
<br />And.erson and Curley. Nays: Nonea
<br />E�4 Grauel Moved, Anderson Seconded, that the bid for the purchase
<br />of two I976 model compacti sedans be awardea to Grand AP•'IC/Jeep
<br />tor the total amatmt of $7,577.06. Roll Ca11, Ayes: Graue3.,
<br />Hess, Anderson and Curley. Nays: I�oneo
<br />Em5 Hess Moved, Anderson Seconc�ed, that Change Order No. ].2 for
<br />the City Ha.I1, Pro�ect Zv1-74-29 for ceramic and c{uarry tile in
<br />�he �tnount of an additional $346.68 identi£ied as Fie1d Ordex
<br />Noe 12 be approved. Ro11 Ga11, Ayes: Grauel, Hess, Anderson
<br />and Curley. Nays: None.
<br />E-6 Hess Moved, Grauel Seconded, that Change Order No. 3 for Fire
<br />St�tion Noo 3, Project M-74-30 in the amoLmi of $94Q cxeait
<br />fox° changes in the driveway approach identiiied as Fie1d Order
<br />Noe S be appraved; and that Change Oxder Noo 7 for Fire
<br />Statian No. 3, Project M-74-30 in the amotmt of $224 for adjust-
<br />ments to Change Order No. 3 on the work done with the drive
<br />approach be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Grauel, Hess, Anderson
<br />and Curley. Nays: None.
<br />N0. 3
<br />UNION
<br />CONT'RACI'
<br />COP�AGT
<br />