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,.M, ± ... . .� .w 1�r, -1,7� � � .r�'��y} � H9 J:aI�C. <br />0 '�«._....,.�,4... „i �ca•' =e� � .� d� �'„�f � '11 '�e� �N �.� ���� � i 5" � � N �LY II� <br />— 3/ 15/ 76 <br />AG�NDA SFCTION: ORlGI{V�1�ING DEPT./DIV.: DEPT. HEAD APPROVAL. <br />f\L�Li��.1 i:,�U f�L.L�ji�i4i.l{�i71F S�..iI�J �� �ii�!'.1:1 � v`% <br />r�� <br />ETEM i�i0.. ITEM DESCRIPTIijN� R�QUE�T �OR C3UILDIi�G PERMIT ar MGR. RGVi�LUEp/RECOMMENOS: <br />��"_ j 313 South 0�lASSO, iN ACCORDAfJCE WITH SNORE�IN� ZQ�iPdG ORD. <br />Dr. Clifford C. l�Jood of 313 So�th Owassa �oulevard, is requesting a <br />bui 1 di ng permi t approval as �er th� ci t.y `s 7 alceshore zon7 nr� ordi nance <br />PJo. 93.01�. Mr. �food presently has a ho�se whic� is located on a private <br />dri ve be�ween Lake Owasso and the Idor�hern Paci fic Ra91 road ri ght of wa_�. <br />This house �s of th� winterized, cottage t,ype and the app1icant would iike <br />to make an addition to the hame:so that i� wou1d be more comfortable as a <br />re�irement place. At present, the house is approximatel.y 2Q feet fram the <br />sharelin� and Mr. 6Joad has indica�ed that the addition will not project any <br />c7oser to the shore7ine. Also, he indicated that no existinc� trees wi�1 be <br />removed, as a result of ti�is request, and that the only landscapinq that is <br />to be cione wauld be minor landscaping, to lessen ti�e slopes around �he pro- <br />posed additian. A1thoUgh �r. Wood's home is located quite close to the <br />]ake, this �s the last house on the aforement7oned private road and the <br />addition is being made t4 the portion of the house that is located away fram <br />his or�e existing neighbor. Mr. Howard Dahlqren has revie�ved the site pian <br />ar�d �eels the request is reasonable. <br />RECOf�i�ENDED ACTIOPd: P4otion (approve/deny) Dr. tJood's request for a builc�- <br />ing permit in accordance wi�h the lakeshore zoninc� <br />�rdinance at 313 So�th Owasso 6aulevard. <br />c <br />