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4 � <br />Case �u�b�r: 965-76 <br />�Ipri 1 7, 19i'6 <br />P�ge 3�.•r� <br />ho7d �heir property for t�e ult�mate �evelapr�ent of of�ices in <br />the.form of an "office park". Recen�ly, Allied S-�ores took ihe <br />City to court c�aiming non-benefit of utilities and stree� con- <br />struction on Herschel S�reet. The judge ruled in favar of the <br />Ci%y after a�thich Allied S-�o,res appea3ed far amended findings <br />(a re�uest �o reduce the assessmer��s}. Before hearings on the <br />reques� for amended findings, A11ied Stores, along �rli�h the <br />pro�osed developer (ht and l�i Developr�2nt Corporat�on) su�mitted t�° <br />current rezoning and development request for approval for a <br />LaBe�les S�ore. It seems ironic tha� at the same �i�:e Aii7ed S�cres <br />was dispu�ing ti�e need for Nerschel Sireet, that re�uzsts t�rould <br />be rade for deve�o�me�t on quesi.�onab7y ne�ding f�ersch�l S�reet �or <br />accass and utili�ies. fln Plarch 24th natice was received �hat Aliied <br />Storas is withdra�rri�g their appeal or� �he Herschel Street cas�. <br />5. The parcel currentiy in question is the 18 acre trac-� be�w��n Hersc�el <br />Str�et ar�d �airvzew, no�^th of County P.oad B. �t is proposed ta rez�n� <br />the easterly 10 �cres to B-1B of which 7 acres tivould be used -Far the <br />conszruction of a 71,400 square foot LaBeiles Cata�og S�tawroom ar.d <br />LJaY�enause. Th� tiv�ster�y ei ght acres woul d be rezoned fram li gh� <br />i ndus Lri al to B-� w�� cf� � s of course the ori gi nal i nter�ded use �or <br />the property. 1'he letter not�fying us of:A�7ied S�ores -in�ent ta <br />drop tF�e lierschel Street case also si.�pu�ates �hat 4he B-1 property <br />(tires�erly ei ght acres} ►�ri 17 no� be rezoned -For any other use i n th� <br />future. �A copy of that letter is attached for your consideration. � <br />6. The original land usn plan proposed an� reconfirmed b� the J:96� p7an <br />reca;rr�nds limi�ed business uses for tne entzre tract as sugg�ste� in <br />ih� earlier bac�Cground commenis. Our principa7 concern is the <br />establishment ot a retai1 use in ihe area providing a precedent aor <br />sucn use t�at may be di-Fficult to restrict in the f�t�re. You w��l <br />see �rom later traffic coun-� anaiyse; that the con�inued expar�sior► <br />of re�ai7 facilties creates consid�rable problerr�in that area. T�e. <br />applican�s have prepared a ti�ell-designed s�t� p�an -For the devel�o- <br />ment of a LaBelles facility. Numerous m��tings have been i�eld <<riih <br />th� apa7icants on numerous elem�nts af th� p�an. Thes� inc7uded <br />parking layau�, buildi�g access and orientat�on,.access and egre;s <br />loc�iions, traffic analyses,� lar�dsca�ing plans, drainag�, and <br />b�iiding materials. Details of a17 ��ern�nts of the plan wi�] be <br />r�vie:•r�d, trrith iarge scale drawings, at the Planning C�mm�s5ion and <br />Council hear�ngs. <br />7. 7h� at�ached sketch shows the locaiion of the GaBelles propQSed <br />d�vA7opren�, �he remaining S-lb thr�e acre parcel to the sauth a►` <br />LaB�l7es, and the configuration of thz 8-1 properties on the wes� side <br />of �he si�e. The parEcing proposed is for 426 cars, som� 36 spacq; Q-F <br />the 452 required by �he City of Rosev�lle's par�cing ordinanc�. La� <br />to the s i gni fi cant porti o� Qf the pro�erty Ul�l1 C�i i s used fc�r war�'r:ouse <br />purposes , and �� s�cus si ons Lri th �aBe71 es on ot�?r si te co�di -�i ons , tiy� <br />feel iha� the reduction in park3ng from 462 ta 426 7s nat a prab���. <br />We er��nasize in tY�e review of the design proposals that mor� spzcQ <br />de�o�ed to grass and �andscap�ng t•rould be better ihan areas a� as�nal� <br />not r�pd�d for the operatzon. Accordin�ly; the applicar�t h�s pre�ared <br />