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n�rl.ii� J � 1�7� <br />PLAN��P�G R�PORT <br />CASE NEIM�ER: 9fi5-75 <br />A�PLICAPJT: <br />A11ied S�ores, Inc., 80 South Seventh Stree'� <br />Minneapo7is <br />LOCA1"�0�i: Northeas� Quadrant of County Road B <br />and Fair�iew Avenue (see ske�ch) <br />ACTIQN REQfJESTED: Rezoning from 8-1 and I-1 to 618 and 8--� <br />� Approva1 of Preliminary P�a�_ <br />Sp�cial lSse PermYt for S-iB Site P�an <br />Variance to Parki�g P.2quirements <br />PLANNII�IG CONSIDERA�iO�iS: <br />1. T�e property �n quest�on -�s 18 acres of land otivned by Ali�ed Stores <br />original3y a part of �heir purcnase in 1952. The purchase of the <br />7and south o� Highway 36 was made to protec� their investm�nt in <br />the shopping cen; er si te nor�h of H� gh�,ray 36 ti•rhi ch, of course, was <br />u7timaiely deve3oped as a regio�a1 cent�r some 18 y�ars later in <br />1970. <br />2. In 1959, �he shopping site was zoned to the shopping center <br />distric� and the properties to the south were zoned 8-1 in <br />agreer�en-� a�ri t� Al l� ed Store's i ntenti on to u 1 ti matel� deve7 op tne i and <br />for ari o;f�ce park. <br />3. In 1960 �3 significant pari.�on (see sketch) of the l�nd in ques�ian <br />today was propos�d to be soi d to Con�rol Data ,�rho t��as a� th� time <br />loo[cing fc�r i�s home o�-�-ice ar�d productior► site. Th� Iand L��as <br />optior�ed and rezoned at Contro� Data's request -�a Ligh� Indus�ria� <br />because �hey intended ta r�anufacture �com�u-�ers on i'rre site at tha� <br />time. A 1a�vsuit ��as threaiened by the neigi�bors ic the west thus, <br />encouragir�g Control Da�a Lo iook elsewhere for their site uliimately <br />purchasin� -�he first phase of their present headquarter`s sit� in <br />�he City o�' Bloomingtor�. <br />4. In 19�0 a-�ter 7osing the E�porium as one af th� dzpartment s�ares in <br />their proposed cen�er a� P.osedale, AZiied Stores r�aee long rang� agree- <br />ments wit� the Day�on Hud;on Developm�n� Corpora�ion se3iing tt�en <br />mos� of -�he shopping center site and half of �he la�d souih of <br />Nighway 36. 7he agreemen� w�th Allied Stor�s r�quired tl��t pay-�on <br />i�udson divide �he land souLh of Highway 3� �nto ttiva parcels, then <br />giv�ng Allied Stores the righi to choose ti�hic� parceT they ►,ranted <br />to keep. 7he d�vision of �he land was worked out tiri�� the �ity <br />resul�ing in an agreement betti���en A11ied S�ores and Dayton Hudson <br />Company to �he street patt�rn ►,rhich now serves the area. 7h�s incl�a�ed <br />the cons�ruc�ion of Nersch�l Str�et (the center line of �ih-ic1� ti�1as the <br />di vi si or� betti,r�en the t+rao parcel s) an d the cons'�ruct3 an o� the servi ce <br />road al or�g -the north s� d° to �ai rvi ew Avenue. aaytor� Hudson im:nodiately <br />so7d their propArty to Dat�rell Farr cvho has deve�o��d most o� �he <br />land_ The A71ied S�ores aeople to3d ihe C�ty that zhey intend�d to <br />