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AGE�vDA S�CTtON ; <br />�`����.?��'.�� ��� ���..�1���.���_ 8�� � ��s�� �F��� �, �,, ,,, <br />ORIGIAI�TIUG G�PT./�1V.: <br />..._.� ... :I.! :^1.iiJ �i�L, �ililL..�ILi`�t _'�.1:��J t��JJ�1�.. .�� .��.J <br />�7Er.+ tvo.: �-�E�,� DESCRIPTION: TiIFI..O�1-If•iFILTRATI�JiJ COi�St1L1"IPJG C0;lTP.'�C� <br />� � <br />d�'f'T_ t°lE�� L1PPFiOV."-.�.. <br />/ <br />C�fi <br />rJ�cr�. P�vtE:.v�o/ �� eorL�,l��r;os = <br />�``�-. <br />r <br />I f you ti�ri ] 1 recal l, I ast Edov2m�er, u��hen tlle counci 1 establ i sf�ed ne�� sani tary se4rer <br />fees based an tf�e rapi dly i ncreasi ng casts �'rom the I�etronol i tan l�laste Contra� Con- <br />mission, it was point�d out that of t�:e 1.6 bi71ion gallons of estimated floti•r tha� <br />took place in i975, only �..1 billion ga�lons cauld be accoun�ed for. A� that time, <br />it 4•ras noted that tnrough our records of vrater sold and pri�ate �iells, only �..1 <br />biliian ga7lans of wa�er could be acco�r�ied for. Un-Fartuna�ely, almost 50a addi- <br />tiana7 millior�s af gallons svent �hraugn ti�� r�eter of the f�etro ��daste Go�traZ or a <br />45q i ncr�as� aver knoti��n generated floa�rs . Sased on t�e esti mated 1976 bi 1� i nv af <br />�544,000.00, t3�is rreans ti�at �245,Q0�.00 of our payment to the t•tetro ��laste Cor�trol <br />i s t�e re��l t of ��i s unknown i i�f�otiv and i r�-Fi 1 tr�ati on. �'o r�ake matier even �vorse, <br />u�re have j ust be�n advi sed by the t��letropol i tan l��aste Co�ztral Co�i ssion tha�, due <br />-�o the l arge i n-fl aw and i nfi I�rati on ex�eri enced i ast year, t��at they liad und�resti - <br />mated our fl aws by an addi ti onal 21�. mi 71 i on ga� 1 ans , arhi cf� neans tha� an a�di ti onal <br />�57 ,a00.00 rvi 17 be add�d to our bi 11 i ng nex� year. Com6i n� ng the t4vo amour�ts o�F <br />500 millzon gal�ons and 2I1 million gallons m�ans that to the k�o�rn I.i billion <br />gal1ons of se�vage, 700 m7liian canknoti�rn gallans were added, or 63%, wf�ich costs the <br />city_over �300,000.00 �or 7976. <br />Last idovenber, c�re infarined the cour�cil that we L�ere going ta investigate the possi- <br />bi 7 i�y of u t�l izi ng speci al i sts to fi nd ti�e source of tE»s� probte�s so ��at th�y can <br />ba corrected, i� passible. Since that tirr�e, discussions liave b��n held and ue f1av� <br />now received two proposa1s ta undertake ine exte�sive studies n�cessary. <br />F�r botf� proposa7s, the �'� rms were di rec�ed to presen� thei r viear of ho4�� the study <br />should be �erforr�ed and to utilize ci�y staff to t�z� greatest degree possible, to <br />minir+�ze cost. T�ey ever� also instruc�ed to conduc� tE�e study in a nanner �ih��_ <br />woul c] not pr�cl.ude uti 1 i zi ng faderal f�ndi ng grants i n tile �uture for � mprovemant <br />project5, aven though there is n� fur�dinc� availabl� at tf�is tir��e, either for the im- <br />provernents or for thi s typ� of s tudy. Addi ti onal i�structi ar�s vrere tl7at the UtorEc <br />was to be done 1R a manner v�hich couId be stopped at various stages by �he council, <br />i f i t 5o des i red, ancE that �roul d reach a poi nt as soon as poss i bl � w)7i cn ti�rau3 d enabl e <br />us to take ac�i ons whi ch v�ioul d br� ng resul �s i n reduci ng �ine i nfloti,r or i nfi ltrat� an. <br />Boti� organiiations cor�pliea wi�n t�iese requests in that their prgpasals �n�iude pro- <br />visions to safeg�ard �eeting these req�.�ire��nts. Due to tile nature of �his v��rk, <br />it is not possib3e �o perforr� it on a iun�-su� bas�s and ance again, bath firns <br />proposed to do if�e work or� a time anu a nuZtipiier, plus miscel�aneous exp�nses <br />bas�s. They have provided cast data frar� �vhich these ct�arges would be der-�ved. <br />Thes� given expense rates are r�latzvely equal for s-�milar lev�ls of 4roric fQr boti� <br />organiza�ians. <br />The first proposal is from the �d. G, Jacqu�s of Des i�loines, Iov�a. They are a m�lti- <br />di sci p7 i ne argani za�i c�n , sQeci a� i zi ng p ri mari 1y i n prov� di ng ti�e servi ces and ec}ui p- <br />rr�ent for fi ndi ng and remedyi r�g i r�f1 at� or � nf� 1 trati on , sucf7 as s�4ver cl �ani ng, t�i e-- <br />vi s i ng the sewers , smok� testi ng, joi rit-seai i ng and o�tier si m� 1 ar �vork. They have <br />provided numerous services #n this ma�ner for c�ties ti�roughaut the midu�iest. They <br />aisa, hoarever, provide the evaluat�an and analyzatian ski7ls and persortn�l fvr can- <br />duct���g the ac�ual infJow-infiitration study, �tsel�, and have done so in sev�ral <br />sr�all coru�unit�es. Their tivor�, particularly on t�� televising, sr�ke testing, eic., <br />i s s•re� 1 recom►�endzd, �ut ti�re hav� not been abl e tv date, �o ver^i �y thei r analyzi ng <br />sfc}11s in regard to estimating casts. If you reviear tt�eir proposal, yau ��rill r�ot� <br />