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Page 2- ii�dFL01-J-IF�FIL�RATIO�d COilSULTIi,G C��ivTRACT, itay 17, i976 <br />tf�at ti��i r esti n�atzd cost �or the -fi rst p:iases for fi ndi ng the general areas where <br />proble�ns exis� iotais appraxir�aiely �12,0�O.OQ. Tf�ey 1�av� used city p�rsannel <br />�uite extensively for �his wrork anc! have rela�iv�ly la�•r estir��ates in regard ta t��e <br />nu��er of }�ours necessary -for the analysi s and ful l r1on� tori n�. It ai so� i s�he <br />res ul ��f a uti I i zati on of approxi i��aie7y 10 ij,et� ri nc� 1 ocaif ons . <br />The secon�l �roposal i s fra� �he cons ui �i ng fi rm of �ani ster, Short, �11 � ott, E{en- <br />dri ckson and Assa�i aies ,�rizo T n ad�i ti on to th�i r o�rn staff ,�d �o uti 1 i ze <br />tF3e servi �es of th2 Dono��u� and Associ ates , Incorporater�, a cor�sUl-Ci n� organz zaiTOn <br />7oca�ed just sauth of r°iilwaukee. Banister, S�ort, Ellioii and H�ndrickson v�rould <br />providp �he local -�nput, eoordinatian, offices and ov�rall guidances and Donoi�ue <br />and Associates, �1�n is made up primarily of prafessior�al engineers,�o provic]e the <br />m�tering, smo�:e testing, computer and o�her e�uipmnnt and teci�nical �ersonnpl to <br />impler��nt ti�e program. Th�s organization has gx�own just the o��asite frar� th� <br />Jacques Cor;rpany, in tha� they s�tarted by being the anaIyst as a cansulting engineer <br />far inf7o�rr ar�d infiltration and had later a�c�ec� the equipnent, test-inc� apparatus, <br />ete. They have nerfnrmed such op�ra�ions w�tE� good results in several m�dwest <br />co�muni ii es. <br />As you reVi eVr thei r proposa� , yo�a tivi l l notz that the gzneral approac}i�s are qui te <br />similar, but tf�at t�ey �stir�ate the cast for the ac�ivity at almost tU�ice tn� amount <br />of the Jacqu�s Company. Us�ng the average price of their estima-�es, �t Haould be <br />over �25,DOO.QD to reach approximaie3y ihe same poin�t. T�is cost differential is, <br />apparen�ly,the result of �ess use of city persor�neZ and al�ost �avice as ma�y test- <br />i ng l a�ati ons , but pri mari ly, t�e res ul t of s i mply esti mat� ng many more �10E11'S on <br />the woric on t�s�ing an� analys�s. <br />In su�mary, the ti��o propasa7s are c�eneral]y sini1ar as to s�eczfied results and are <br />bvt+� by fir�s tt�at are quite exper�2nce� in this genera7 field. Qne firm g�ew from <br />the testi��g bacE:grour�d into �F�� ana7ysis sic�e and estirr�a'tes �he v��ork in far 1�ss <br />ti rr� and far less �an�y, 7he second fi rm u�i 1 i zes more of thei r o4•�n pers4nnei ar�d <br />do�s the arQr�; ��itla mar� �est�ng and over a longzr period tivhich, obviously, result5 <br />in mare costs. The second firm wouId ap��ar to be in a position to kno4v more of <br />the in�ie�ate background of th� city, due to the extensiv� interaction of �anister, <br />Si�ort, El 1 i ott , tlendri cEcson and Associ ates wi tf� th� ci ty, i n regard to pas�t sar�i tary <br />sewer prajects . Tl�e actual �'i el d manpa�rer an J equi pm�nt u�eo�l d be comi n� from out. <br />of state, in each case, however. <br />RECO(��1P1��`1DL-D ACTTOil: Ado�t�on af a resol uti on aut�ori zi ng the ��tayor ar�d t�Eanager <br />io execute an agreement with {!1. G. JacqueS Company)or <br />{�anister, Short, E�lio�t, Nendricfcson and Assvcia�es) -For <br />the provis�on of the in-F1o��-infiitration ana7ysis on the <br />ci ty's sani tary set�rer syste�s. <br />e <br />