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\ <br />November 5, 1975 <br />PLANNIf�6 REP�RT <br />CASE f�UP•1BER: <br />APPLICANT: <br />LOCAiIO�I : <br />ACTION REQ[�ESTEq: <br />PLAPJNING COPiSIDERATI01`JS: <br />930-75 <br />Frank Jaroscak <br />3048 Fairview Avenue <br />Rel ocat i on of a Dti�el 1 i ng <br />1. Durinr� the late 50's and early 60's when a cons�derab7e amaunt of <br />freeway right-of-way was being. cleared of single far�ily house�, <br />in particular the cer�tral cities, tF�ere were a considerable nun�ber <br />of such homes being r�oved to first r�ng s�bUrban lacations. <br />The City of Roseville, T�ke many other comntunities in the area, <br />adaoted reguT aLi ons govern� r�g thL mo��i ng of such 13oines � nta the� r <br />cammunity. <br />2. Follawing is a copy of that port�on of the 4rdinance which sets forth <br />Rosevil�e's policies and procedures for considering approva7 of <br />s�ch an application. <br />7_;80. Palicv in fte ard to Relocated Dwetiin s. It shall be the stated <br />policy of t e t age to ma2ntain a armon:ous an high standard of res- <br />idential development and to protect such areas from deleterious e#fects <br />throngh insuring that both new and relocated dweliings from other areas, <br />both �•ithin th2 Viilage and from outside, shali meet specified reqvire- <br />mer�ts_ <br />7.I90. Relocations Permitted on Condition. Such reIocations of dwell- <br />ings as state �n t e prece cng 5ection s a e permitted in the zoning dis- <br />trict where all necessary specifications as to lot sizes, set-backs, type of <br />use, height regulati�ns and all other conditions as laid down in this Code <br />are met_ <br />7_200. Relocation Permit Re uired; A Iication. RelQCations shalI re- <br />quire a sp�cia permit from the Council_ The appl►cant shall fiie an ap- <br />p�icafion giving the legai description oi the land uQon v�'hich the building <br />is to be moved, the natnre of the building to �e moved, together t�ith a <br />certified property search of property or�'ners within 250 feet of the new <br />location and paY a fee according to Sect�on 15_b30. <br />7.21U. Consent of Ad'oinin Pro ertv Own�rs. The application shall <br />be accompanie by a�'ritten consent an approval of at leask 50 � of <br />the groperty ow•ners wi4hin 2�0 feet of the reiocation. <br />7.220_ Pub]ic Hearin . The application shall be referred ta fhe Council, <br />who shall set a time and place for a public hearing, giving at ]east 10 <br />day5' notice of such hearing. All properiy ouners wifhin 250 �eet of ihe <br />relocation premises shall be notified of the hearing by rnail and ai said <br />hearing the applicant and anyone appearing in opposition thereto shail be <br />heard. <br />7.230. Report of.Inspection Superinf.endent; Grant ar Refusal f P - <br />mif. The Inspection Superintenc�ent shall aiso give a report to the Coun- <br />cil, and'after hearing the maiter the Cour�cil may grant or reject the is- <br />s�ance of a permit. <br />