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AGENDA SECTION : <br />Repor�s F� Recommencl.ations <br />RE��J��T F�� +C��l�VCIL ���'I�� <br />ORiGINA7ING OEPT_/DIV.: <br />�� <br />�. _.,� NO.: ITEM DESCRlPTIQN'ModEI Snowmabile Orclinance Preparec� by �he <br />�'�,,t� �Trai7s C:ommittee �f th� Ramsey Co,Jr_�y �eag�3p of i:�caZ G�,�e <br />��ETi�� 12-29-75 <br />o�,-�: <br />DEPT. HE/�� APPROVAL. <br />�`I <br />ivIGR. REVIEWED/REC�MMENf}S: <br />�t /����. <br />At�achEd is a mema �rom No�m Eckland, {:hairman o� the Trai�s Committee of the Ramsey CounLy <br />League of Lacal Government and a copy of the Madel Snowmobile Qrdxnance i,rhich was adopted by <br />the Cortnnittee. A1so attached is a copy o� the existing Roseville sna�+nttobile ordinance. <br />The follotaing appear to be �he major di��erences between '�he existing axdinance and the �odel <br />ordinance. <br />l, The existing ardinance permits operat�on of snowmobiles from 7:OQ AM to lO:Od PM <br />except on �riday and Sa�urcla.y wh�n they may �e aperated until 12:00 mzdn.ight. The <br />model ordinance permits snawmobiling f_rom 7:00 AM to 11:Od Pi�i excep� on �ric�.ay and <br />Sa%urclay and the day preceding a na�Ciona� holiday when snowmobiling would be <br />perm�tted from 7:Q0 PM ta Z:QO AM. <br />2. The existing ordinance prohibits aperating a snowmobile on any pubiic stree� at a <br />speed exceeding 10 miles per hour and prohibits o�erating a snowmobile w�thin 1Q0 <br />feet of fishex�n, pedestrians, skating ax sliding rink, when the o�era�ion �+rouZd <br />conflict wi�h use or endanger other persons. The model ordinance prohibits aperating <br />a snaw�bile a_t a speed in excess of limits specifzcall.y posted fox such use or at a <br />spee� in excess of �5 miles per hour within 150 fe�t of any fisherman, f_ish house, etc. <br />where such opera�Cion would conflict with or enclanger other persqns. <br />3. The existing ordinan�e requires the use of lights on the snow�nobile tiehen operated <br />be-tween the haurs of one half hour after sttnset to ane hal£ hour before sLmrise, or <br />at times of reduced visibility. The modsl ordinance requixes the lights. ta be <br />luminated at aIl times during opera�ion. The �xi.sting ordinance is more speci�£ic <br />wi�h regard �ta intens��y of the iights required than is the model ordinance. The <br />model ordxnan.ce exempts snowmobiles equipped with an engine of 5 hourse power or <br />Iess from the mandatory light provasian.. The Ramsey Catmty Open Space staff indicates <br />that the smal� horsepower snawmobiles do not have the wiring necessary for l.xghts and <br />it xs expensive to provide far the wiring. <br />4. The existing ordinance provides that � pennant of at Ieast 144 square �nches in axea <br />at a heigh� of not less than 6 feet �ram th� ground mus�t be on a snawmobile when <br />operated on publiC streets. The model ordznance rec�uires a pennant of a� least 40 <br />squaxe inches displayed at a height of not less than 5 feet above the treacicvay. The <br />moclel ordinance �vould ap��y to sno�vrrEObiles o�erating any place in ihe City �vhil.e the <br />existing ordinance applies only while the snowmobzle is opera�ed an a puY�lic street. <br />The Ramsey Cownty Qpen Space s�aff ind.icates th�t the 40 sc{uaxe inch requirement is <br />based on the fact that pennants are n�t sald in a size largex tha�n the 40 squ�.re inches. <br />5. The ord�nance prohibits the use o� snow�nobiles in sevexal locatiflns including <br />ci�ty stxeets, except a 90 degree crossi�.g of a street may be made i£ several conditions <br />are met. In addition, the exis'ting ordana.nce pro�ibits the opera�ion o� a snawmobile <br />any place closer than 1.50 £eet from any resident building. The madel ordinance pro- <br />hibits the opexatian o£ snoiamobiles except on ptablic trails, watexway and s�reets and <br />highways specifi.cally designated £or such use. Therefore, �he tiperation af sno�,�obiles <br />on speCific caty stxeets would be pex-�ni�ted if autho�rzzed by �he Cotmcil. The �od�I <br />ordinance has n� provision regarding the apera�ion af snrnamabiles withi� a specifie� <br />distance from any resid.ent buildirtg. 'rheoretically it would be lawful far an <br />