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A�` A SECTlQy: <br />ra����rac _ I2/29/75 <br />i�+3.�._���+,7 i ��� io��1'1�s�� �.la 7���� DATE` <br />GI+VATING ��P7./DIV.: <br />2i:PJR�'S a;i� RECOi•lilE�;��TI��t� PLlu�IC :lOP.�:S - <br />� r�r;+ n�o_ = iT�nn o�scr�t���o�: pRQPO5AL FOR CQ?'�Si1LTAr��f l�lOR�: ON 1�1AiERf•1Aii� <br />.��-`%' A��D BOOSTER STATIp�1 BY B.S.E.H. & ASS�C. <br />DGP1'_ HEAD APr��OVAL. <br />"v� <br />�- r <br />i�AGR. REVkELVED/P.ECO;,�Aar^taS; <br />The Plov. 7975 report on the P.oseville �later System,� indicated several it�ms t��hic� <br />should be review�d by the city. 7i�e study giv2s estimates �f anticipa��d costs <br />for constructinc� a 36" waterline wes�erly from_the 5hry�r 6oaster sta�iun to Vic�or�a <br />and thence northerly to Parker� St. This project is necessary because of the ex- . <br />cessive pressure losse� tha� occur° du� �o the city having �o reiy ent$rely on a <br />single 20" 1Tn� west�rly from th.e booster station. This projec� carries an estima'�ed <br />cast, including engineerfng and�constrcrctian easem�nts, of �29�,QOO.OQ. When this <br />ir�prav�m�n� r�iould be comp3�t�d, th� �r�ssur�� throughat�� th� city should �improv�. <br />The second major item is ih� need for more area Tn'tY�e booster s�ation-b.uilding an� <br />the additio� af either° one or tw� 70�0 gal�ton p�� r��nut� p�mps, 7he �stimated cost <br />�For �his «ork is �3I5,OOO,Ofl i�' one pu�np is add�d, and $411,0OO.OQ if �yvo pumps are. <br />added. The ci �y i s al ready i n a posi �.i on wher�e �i�� d�rnand on hi gh�us� days exceeds <br />the supply; and two y�ars ago a spri nkl i ng ban �ad tn be i nacted, whi ch. i s ar► i nCon- <br />v�ni ene� t� our ci ti z�ns . and shoul d not he con�i r�u�d. The ori g-i nai pl an fol l a�red <br />by the ci ty i n dev�1 opi r�g i is water system pai n'��d out that addi ti vnal pumps woul d <br />be required as vo3umes increased over the years and ihis po�nt �as nnw been reac�2d. <br />The secon.d `:7000 GPI�I pump wou� d be requi red w� thi n one year af eomp7 eti on af th� <br />fi rst �nd d�-ir�g them at the sam� ti rre woul d save thousands o-F do� 3�rs and avoi d d-�s- <br />rupt� rrg the system a second ti �. - �- <br />Yau may recal � that 'i as� year, t,rY�en �he �iater ra�e� were r�vi e+�red and the charg�s <br />r�vis�cf, bail parfc figvres were known €or° thes� improvements ar�d i�ere -ineorporat�d- <br />in�Q th� thinleir�g zn es�abl3shing th� ra�es. I have u�d�ted a finaricial stuc3� o� tfie <br />water� sys��rn for°your revzew and a copy af ihis is attac�i��d_ You w�l� note that ��e <br />ci ty wi 11 have 'almost �80�,O�Q.00 i n thei r° re��r�� func� by .t�e end of �. n�xt y�ar and - <br />this is th� source o-F funds antTCTpated �o offset �he co�t ofr tnese sys�em imprav�- <br />r�en�s . f�ot �i ncl uded i n th i s u�adated revi ew i s..any i ncrease - i n c�st� from St . Pau7 <br />which may occut� a� �he �nd vf n�x� S�ptemb�r. If tha� �akes place, ttr� r��es could <br />be review�d aga7t� at tha� time and d�cis�ans reached based or� ac�ual data. � <br />__:_ ,x,,�: <br />It is �f�� fe�iir�g nf ba�h �h� :.engi•n�ering stai'� ar�d t}�e ..corrsul�dnts tl�at th� �5" <br />ti��a�ermai n shoul d be construc�ed next spri r�g and t�at the. i ncr�ased pump� ng capabi 1 i-� <br />�ies of two pum�s be insta1led during the winter of 1476. Thzs t�iould mean tha� by the <br />high-vo1ume p�riods 'of the su�rur�er of 1977, �he war�k v�rou�d a11 b� complet� and �l�e _ <br />system would be abl� ta meet the demands placad upon i� by fihe customers. It �rould ' <br />also �ean �hat� a larg� portion a� th� cost for- daiRg the pumping sia�ion expansion <br />tivoul d not ac�ua7ly co�:e due un�i i 1977, ti•rni ch woul d pravi de that muc�► nare i n th� way <br />of sysiem reserves to help o�fset thes� cos�s. <br />