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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 13, 2012 <br /> Page 17 <br /> Discussion items included economic development (lines 67 and 72) and status of <br /> that particular strategy based on Community Development Department-specific <br /> strategies, and near future development of costs and staffing requirements to <br /> achieve outlined strategies and a timeframe for doing so; if and how to allocate <br /> resources for short- and long-term opportunities and options; and which options <br /> staff thought provided the most impact, while identifying areas from which to al- <br /> locate funds to achieve those strategies and goals. <br /> Mayor Roe referenced the existing work plan, lines 60-63. <br /> City Manager Malinen referenced line 68, and page 8 of the existing work plan <br /> (line 166 and line 188) and questioned if this was specific to housing and redevel- <br /> opment or related to under-utilized and high-crime areas. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that he read it as both commercial and residential. <br /> Finance Director Miller noted that this was one of his strategies, and his intent <br /> was that it be broad and not specific to housing; but with the intent to create in- <br /> centives to work on community-wide economic development for all under- <br /> utilized properties. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Pust as to what types of incentives, Mr. Miller <br /> advised that the financial aspect was part of it, not just local funding; however, he <br /> suggested the need to look at the overall picture of all things that allowed the <br /> problem to continue. In his ten years with the City of Roseville, Mr. Miller noted <br /> that some of the problems at the beginning of his tenure were still evident, and <br /> while the problems were recognized, but not resolved with the existing tools; and <br /> questioned as a citizen when the City should or could get involved and eradicate a <br /> specific problem. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that this was also related to the tax base as well and problem <br /> properties negatively impacting property values beyond a particular parcel. <br /> Councilmember McGehee referenced Brooklyn Park as an example of proactive <br /> solutions. <br /> Mr. Miller noted that the Brooklyn Park example was one option to take more di- <br /> rect control of properties; however, he cautioned that it was not viable in all situa- <br /> tions. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that it would require the City investing in and taking advantage <br /> of some tools not currently being used and would require identification of re- <br /> sources. <br />