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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,February 13, 2012 <br /> Page 16 <br /> Councilmember McGehee expressed her preference to talk about those items <br /> brought forward from the January 30, 2012 discussion. <br /> Mayor Roe sought consensus of those around the table on whether to use the pre- <br /> vious documents from the January 23, 2012 meeting, or the revised version pro- <br /> vided as a bench handout, noting there was little difference between the two doc- <br /> uments other than organizing bullet points to facilitate discussion. Mayor Roe <br /> noted that many of the items discussed at the January 30th meeting were already <br /> listed on last year's work plan, which should make tonight's discussion easier. <br /> Councilmember Pust opined that it made sense to combine the discussions of Jan- <br /> uary 30th with the work plan; and advised that her rationale in not combining the <br /> two documents was her concern that individuals at the table would simply nod <br /> their agreement and not be deliberate in their discussions and subsequent buy-in <br /> to the final document. Councilmember Pust noted the obvious need for the City <br /> Council to clearly identify for staff's benefit those items that the City Council was <br /> serious about pursuing or continuing, as well as those that needed to be dropped <br /> in the priority list or removed entirely. As Mr. Miller continually observed and <br /> reminded Councilmembers, Councilmember Pust noted the need to stop adding <br /> things to the list while accomplishing nothing, and the need for the City Council <br /> to be more realistic and responsible in their strategies and goals. <br /> Councilmember Pust noted that there were some things on the existing work plan <br /> that were completed and needed removal; and others still in process or not yet <br /> achieved or attempted. Councilmember Pust noted that the City Council needed <br /> to continually seek community input, but some things were not debatable and <br /> simply common sense. Councilmember Pust noted the need for the City Council <br /> to recognize that those items listed as long-term would be addressed by future <br /> City Councils; and those goals and strategies could change as future City Coun- <br /> cilmembers changed or community needs were revised. However, Councilmem- <br /> ber Pust noted that the Department Heads had the long-term ability to address <br /> items now as well as in the future; but as a group the City Council needed to iden- <br /> tify their areas of focus in the short-term, since all of the items listed on the work <br /> plan could not be realistically accomplished. <br /> By consensus, the revised Attachment A was used for discussion, with Mayor Roe <br /> initiating review by category first with items from the January 30th discussion, fol- <br /> lowed by those items on the existing work plan. <br /> Economically Health with a Stable Tax Base, While Conscious of Impacts to Res- <br /> idential Neighborhoods (pages 3-4) <br /> Mayor Roe noted the related items as noted in his revisions, as well as those al- <br /> ready on the work plan. <br />