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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 13, 2012 <br /> Page 19 <br /> Police Chief Mathwig opined that, from a police perspective, it was a community <br /> goal. Mr. Mathwig noted that crime rates and data across the country supported <br /> observations that closer to the core of large cities, the crime rate increased, and <br /> were also related to economic factors and businesses catering to unsavory types <br /> and crime following those (e.g. low dollar per night motels and hotels; apartment <br /> complexes catering to low-income clientele). Mr. Mathwig noted that, if those <br /> businesses and areas were redeveloped and business models catered to a higher <br /> quality of product, as well as apartment complexes operated and functioning <br /> through better management, crime dropped. While crime naturally follows retail <br /> no matter its type, Mr. Mathwig opined that when spread across high quality re- <br /> tail, it fell off. <br /> From the Parks and Recreation perspective, Parks and Recreation Director Lonnie <br /> Brokke concurred that the goal was community-based, and had been included as a <br /> consideration in development of the Park Master Plan and the quality of the City <br /> itself. <br /> Fire Chief Tim O'Neill concurred that it was community-based, and as an exam- <br /> ple used the Rose Vista apartment complex, and the Har Mar Apartments rede- <br /> veloped as Sienna Green, and the types of calls and responses required based on <br /> their redevelopment. Compared to past calls, Mr. O'Neill observed that the calls <br /> his department experienced today was totally different, and economic develop- <br /> ment worked; and that community aspect impacted all City departments. <br /> Councilmember Pust opined that, as a community, it needed to plan for resources, <br /> but in a different way that may require resources previously dedicated to other <br /> functions needed to decrease, and that it was necessary for everyone to recognize <br /> that this was a community issue requiring everyone's involvement. As a City <br /> Council, Councilmember Pust opined that they needed to recognize that they <br /> couldn't continue to keep adding to the list of things to do without decreasing or <br /> deleting other items. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted that there may be other resources available, such <br /> as bonding,to redevelop blighted areas. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that, as areas were rehabilitated and improved economically, the <br /> Police Department may not need as many resources as previously; however, he <br /> questioned how to determine the appropriate balance and readjust recourses; and <br /> concurred that there may be opportunities outside the community that could be <br /> taken advantage of. <br /> Public Works Director Duane Schwartz noted that the City may realize an eco- <br /> nomic return on investments that could generate some new resources. <br />