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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 13, 2012 <br /> Page 22 <br /> Councilmember Willmus, specifically addressing line 115, admitted his struggle <br /> when some of these items came before the City Council, questioning if they were <br /> actually"nuances," rather than"nuisances." <br /> Community Development Director Trudgeon advised that staff had been address- <br /> ing in the office today the long-overdue need for all of the City's existing nui- <br /> sance codes to be reviewed, since the community standards and resources in- <br /> volved had changed. However, while not necessarily requiring additional finan- <br /> cial resources, Mr. Trudgeon noted that it did require reallocating staff resources <br /> from another duty, and therefore became hard to address. If necessary, Mr. <br /> Trudgeon advised that staff could be reallocated by delaying processing of per- <br /> mits; however, he noted that many of the nitpicky issues were those that staff re- <br /> ceived the most calls on from citizens and having a variety of opinions (e.g. RV's, <br /> chickens, cars, garbage cans, bees, etc.) and may require a significant amount of <br /> community dialogue with the City Council to come to a compromise solution. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon noted that it that dialogue would put a resource pinch on staff and <br /> City Council time, and necessitated recognizing that beforehand. <br /> Mayor Roe, in addressing resource and City Council meeting time, as well as the <br /> need for community input, suggested this may be a good task force item for citi- <br /> zen involvement as well as some of the stakeholders; with their work product <br /> thoroughly vetted before reaching the City Council level. Mayor Roe suggested <br /> that the short-term strategy be to review the issues and establish a process, with <br /> the long-term goal to develop and adopt a revised code. <br /> Councilmember McGehee suggested the need to get task force processes started <br /> as stand-alone entities consisting of only citizens, not staff. Councilmember <br /> McGehee opined that task forces needed to be set up, recognizing that citizens <br /> were capable of reviewing existing codes, appointing their own chairperson, and <br /> providing a recommendation to the City Council without staff involvement. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon opined that this was a long overdue discussion; and further opined <br /> that things couldn't continue to be added to the list; however, he noted that if the <br /> issue went forward to a task force, there would be additional meetings, research <br /> and discussions realistically required of staff and would require something else <br /> dropping off the list. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that there would be staff time required; and suggested that the <br /> process be initiated, but once brought forward for further discussion, may require <br /> pushing it out further depending on available resources. <br /> Related to line 135, Police Chief Mathwig noted that with development of addi- <br /> tional retail at Twin Lakes, additional resources would be required. <br />