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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 13, 2012 <br /> Page 21 <br /> interest in the metropolitan area and outside of it, in reviewing PSA' laws and al- <br /> lowing organizations to transfer patients, with a future potential for cities having <br /> the option of getting PSA abilities back. <br /> Mayor Roe noted the opportunity to change the model under which the City cur- <br /> rently operates, in addition to potential benefits and funding. <br /> Chief O'Neill concurred, noting that some impacts could be short-term, but he an- <br /> ticipated most to be long-term; and at the request of Councilmember Pust, advised <br /> that he would fashion more specific language for that item. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that lines 120 and 123 were covered by the existing work plan, <br /> and were actually short-term. <br /> Mayor Roe noted the need to discuss line 124, and Councilmember Willmus the <br /> need to discuss line 115. <br /> City Manager Malinen questioned if line 133 fell under EOP discussions, with <br /> Police Chief Mathwig advising that some was, but it needed to be separated, and <br /> was based on mass inoculation, with the Roseville Area High School designated <br /> by the State of MN as the location, and requirements in the future for a training <br /> component as part of that application. With Mayor Roe's question as to whether <br /> this could be moved to department work plans, Chief Mathwig responded that it <br /> should remain where listed as there would be some additional resources required. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested moving it to short-term, and asked that it be followed up <br /> with future reporting to the City Council as applicable. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill concurred with Chief Mathwig in separating the item from the <br /> EOP, since inoculations were done and administered by the State Health Depart- <br /> ment, with security provided by the Police Department, with that specific piece <br /> falling into and being incorporated into the EOP. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested improved wording for those items. <br /> Councilmember McGehee, for the benefit of the listening public, summarized cur- <br /> rent mandates regarding transporting medical patients with the City currently un- <br /> able to have their own ambulance service. <br /> Regarding line 133, Mayor Roe asked that, while remaining short-term, it be <br /> monitored and brought back by report to the City Council, opining that it was <br /> more of a work plan than strategy item. <br />