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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 13, 2012 <br /> Page 24 <br /> Mayor Roe opined that he saw that tying into items under a Safe and Healthy <br /> Community, and matching needs with providers in relationship; and questioned if <br /> it was actually a government function, or in partnership with other organizations <br /> and agencies. <br /> Councilmember Pust noted that line 155 was repetitive and suggested that it be <br /> removed. <br /> Chief Mathwig concurred; and noted that vital involvement of the Human Rights <br /> Commission. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested leaving existing work plan item (line 141) intact. <br /> Secure in our Quality Housing Options (page 8) <br /> Councilmember Pust noted that lines 166 and 168 were repetitive; with Mayor <br /> Roe concurring and noting that lines 188 and 176 were also repetitive. <br /> At the request of Finance Director Miller, City Manager Malinen clarified that, <br /> from his perspective, line 174 was intended to be related to property tax rates in <br /> general, and not specific to housing. <br /> Councilmember Pust suggested it may be better located in the "economically <br /> healthy" section. <br /> However, Mayor Roe noted that if people were not spending their resources on <br /> taxes, they could utilize those resources on the upkeep and improvement of their <br /> homes. <br /> Regarding expanding the Neighborhood Enhancement Program (NEP — line 178) <br /> to commercial, Mr. Trudgeon advised that he didn't anticipate the need for addi- <br /> tional resources, and that in 2013, it would be incorporated into the department's <br /> residential work plan; with consensus that the item be short-term on the depart- <br /> ment work plan and be removed from strategies given its more immediate nature. <br /> In clarifying line 174, Councilmember Pust advised that it was her intent through <br /> that item that the City stop raising property taxes in unpredictable manners to al- <br /> low residential property owners to budget those expenses more consistently on an <br /> annual basis. <br /> City Manager Malinen suggested that line 174 move to a long-term strategy. <br /> Regarding line 182, Mayor Roe suggested language other than "community acci- <br /> dents," with City Manager Malinen suggesting "catastrophic events," and sug- <br /> gested language be changed to "examine/consider" rather than provide. Mayor <br /> Roe questioned if this should be included in the short-term list, with Mr. Schwartz <br />