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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 13,2012 <br /> Page 25 <br /> responding that there would be actual considerations coming forward in March <br /> and April of this year; and Councilmember Pust suggesting that, since it was al- <br /> ready on the work plan, it didn't need to be listed elsewhere. <br /> Regarding short-term demands, City Manager Malinen advised that staff would <br /> internally review all items for further refinement after tonights, and any future, <br /> discussion. <br /> Environmentally Responsible, with Healthy and Well-Maintained Natural Assets <br /> (page 9) <br /> By consensus, lines 214-215 were moved to the Economic Development section <br /> (page 3); with line 216 (Brokke) incorporated in all as well, including lines 219 <br /> (Schwartz) and 220. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested combining lines 216 and 219 into a more general sustaina- <br /> bility statement; with Councilmember McGehee suggesting lines 225 and 226 as <br /> well. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that some things were already being done, and suggested that <br /> the only things to separate included those initiatives and programs already in <br /> place by the HRA. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that lines 224 and 225 incorporated well with lines 216 and 219 <br /> in practice. <br /> Regarding the geothermal portion, Chief O'Neill noted that they could be re- <br /> moved, since they were already in the work plan, with Mr. Brokke noting they <br /> were in process for the City Hall and Public Works Maintenance buildings as well <br /> through implementation of the latest project associated with the new Fire Station. <br /> Councilmember McGehee suggested that the City Council establish a policy for <br /> conduit installation in conjunction with lines 205 and 206; with Mr. Miller sum- <br /> marizing past experience of the City in working with private utilities and their <br /> lack of interest. <br /> With Mayor Roe recognizing that this would also provide the City with an oppor- <br /> tunity to provide fiber optic in the future, City manager Malinen suggested the <br /> first step may be to develop a sense of cost for installation of the conduit. <br /> Regarding line 217, Councilmember Willmus sought further information, with <br /> Public Works Director Schwartz responding that the Public Works, Environment <br /> and Transportation Commission was supportive of additional rate tiers, while rec- <br /> ognizing that sometimes it had proven counter-productive in terms of revenue <br /> achieved; and challenges for commercial versus residential properties and tier <br />