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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 13, 2012 <br /> Page 9 <br /> Mayor Roe offered the City Council's support of partnership opportunities with <br /> the Districts. <br /> 11. Public Hearings <br /> 12. Business Items (Action Items) <br /> a. Approve Plans for County Road C-2 Construction Project <br /> City Engineer Debra Bloom presented plans for the upcoming County Road C-2 <br /> Construction Project authorized by the City Council in the fall of 2011; and pro- <br /> vided background information and research to-date on sanitary sewer, water main, <br /> and storm sewer facilities; and the proposed street construction for the County <br /> Road C-2 connection and refined estimates as recommended by staff; all detailed <br /> in the Request for Council Action (RCA) dated February 13, 2012. <br /> Ms. Bloom noted that the proposed water quality improvements would meet re- <br /> quirements of the City of Roseville as well as the Rice Creek Watershed District, <br /> and would include several rain gardens, as well as underground infiltration <br /> trenches where applicable and where homeowners volunteered for ongoing <br /> maintenance. <br /> Ms. Bloom noted that the total project cost estimate had been refined as detailed <br /> in the RCA and reduced from the initial estimate of$972,400.00 to $544,000.00; <br /> with the proposed project funded through utility funds and by using Minnesota <br /> State Aid (MSA) money. Ms. Bloom reviewed the proposed schedule, with Plan <br /> Approval anticipated in February as part of the 2012 Pavement Management Pro- <br /> gram (PMP),bid solicitation in March, City Council award in April, and construc- <br /> tion beginning in May for eight (8) weeks, depending on weather and in coordina- <br /> tion with other projects slated for 2012. <br /> As detailed in the RCA, Ms. Bloom reviewed two pending issues for which staff <br /> made a recommendation but sought City Council concurrence: one for a mailbox <br /> structure at 1152 County Road C-2, and a fence at 1120 County Road C-2. <br /> Ms. Bloom noted that, even after the January 2012 open house with impacted res- <br /> idents, the project remained a "work in progress" with further refinements pend- <br /> ing. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted the contact by the Carrier's regarding restriping <br /> the east side of County Road C-2 at Lexington Avenue, and asked that staff fur- <br /> ther address that issue. <br /> Ms. Bloom advised hat staff would look at it and review turning counts to deter- <br /> mine the actual need based on the overall picture; and noted that that section of <br /> the roadway was slated for a mill and overlay in 2013; but she would report back <br />