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��- <br />MEETING g_2�_75 <br />��Qu�sT �o� c�uNC�� A�T�or� �AT�: <br />AGENDA 5EC710N: ORIGINATING DEPT./OIV.: <br />Repax�ts �;endations Adm <br />, .1 NO.: iTEM OESCfitPTIOfV: <br />E-1 Fire Apparatus Bids <br />DEPT.H.EAD APPROVAL. <br />NtGR. REVIEWED/RECOMMENDS: <br />The City received. bids from three firms to provide a 15a0 GPM p�aer �ire apparatus. <br />The bids were as £ol�.ows : <br />Alternate #1 <br />(St. Paul Cab) <br />Howe Fire Ec�uip. Co. No bid <br />Pierce Mfg. Co., Inc. $7b,880 <br />Genexal. Safety �quip. 77,887 <br />A�ternate #2 <br />(M�nneapalis Cab} <br />$ 73, 82I <br />78,240 <br />79,�37 <br />As discussed ati the last Ci'ty Cozmc�.l meeting, the tti,ro alternatives referred to the <br />design and of the crew cab. Alterna�iv� No. 1 proorides a s�parat� cab with <br />gxeatex width and stand up height to facilitate dress enxou�e ta a calZ. Alterna#.ive <br />No. 2 provides �or a crew compartment as part of the cab whic.h would not provide for <br />s�andup height. <br />The apparent Zow b�dder on Alternative�No. 1 is Pierce Mfg. Company in the amQUnt <br />of $76,880. <br />One requirerner_t of our specification is that the bidder submit a axawing of the pro- <br />posed apparat�s along wi�,h the b�d. Pierce has omitted thezx drawing. It a.s the <br />opinion af our attox�x�ey that the omission of these by thernselves shauld not <br />invalidate �.he bid. The Fire Chief primary concern in regard to the lack of the <br />drawi.ngs is it makes it difficult to deterntine if Pierce, lvi£g .�is providing the creta <br />cab design desired. The C�ief notes that the zmique deszgn of the cab is �he reason <br />�he drawings were requested. " " � - , <br />As with other bids, Pierce has s�ubmitted a list of exceptions to the Rosevi�le <br />speci£ications. T'hese exceptYOns ��ere revie�,red with the Fire Departrnent �n arder <br />to determine �.hose whieh �vere ma.jor deviations fram our specs. Only tihree of <br />these except�ons were considerec� to be of any consequences and deserving a� claxi- <br />fication. Belaw is a swiunarv of these exceptions : <br />Electric shi�� pt�rnp. Our specs ca11 for a manual shift pump. Pearce proposes tQ <br />include an e�.ectrxc pwn� which is standard equzpment on their vehicles and.a more <br />costly item. 'I7ie Fire Department's concern is that although �hey prefer �he electrzc <br />p�.anp, it must have a manual override and if the Pierce pLU►�p did not have the override <br />it woul.d be unacceptable. As clarification on this item, Pierce infoxmed us that it <br />does provide such an override. Far '�his reason an electric pLUr�p is a desa.rable <br />addit�on. <br />Constamesh Transmission. A"sycramesh" transmission with 4th direct puntping is ' <br />specified in our specs. Pzerce's bid includes the "constamesh" trat�smission with <br />5t1i direct p�ping. After discussing this i�em with the Foxti A�otor Ca, , chassis <br />supplzer for bo�h bids, it is theix feeling tha.� �he "sycromesh'{ tra.nsmission would <br />he pre£erable considering the proposed use. A constamesh txansmzssion requires the <br />operator to double clutch each time he shifts. This cou�d be a proble�n since the <br />majority of our volunteer firefigh�ers are n.ot train.ed to operate such a transmissian. <br />The Farcl. o�ficials felt that const�nesh is pre�erabl� for lang haul and pxofessianal <br />operators, but they would not recommend it for our zases since it tivould be more <br />