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difficu�t to shifi. T'he Fire Chi�f's other cancexn in regard to this item is <br />�hat the rest o£ the Roseville fire vehicles are desigr�ecl �o piunp in 4th direct. <br />S�ce this vehzcle would be the only vehicle with 5th dixeCt, the Chie£'s concern <br />is that it would involve a majox tra�ning problem. <br />Horton Fan Clutch. The Rosevil�e specs calZ for inclusion of the Hortan clutch <br />w i ai s�n mazntaining an adequa�.e 1eve1 a� hea� to keep the purap and hQSe <br />apparatus warm during a fire in the wintex mon�hs. £�gineers of Pierce Co. <br />contend that they have designed the engine and total caoling system spe�ifically <br />to elirtinate the need for the clutch and that adequate warmth would be maintained <br />in their pumper. I� though, i� is decided that this is a desirable ad.d.ition it <br />would be an add on at a cost of approximatzly $300. <br />General Safety Ec�uipm�nt Company's bid an alterna�ive #1 is i� the amount af <br />$77,887, or �1,008 �ncrease above Pierce Mfg. Bid. As wi�h the other two bids <br />on this pi.ece af equipment, General Safety has s`abmi�ted a list nf exceptions to <br />the Rosevi].Ie specs. After reviewing these exceptions with the Fire Depatment <br />nane o£ the deviations are considered major except one. This xe�ates to the number <br />of coats of enamel whi�h Ganeral Safeiy wi11 apply to the vehicle. <br />In conclusion it is the sta�fts opinion that: <br />].. 'I'he omission of draw�.ngs in the bid submit�ed by the Pierce Mfg. Company daes <br />not invalidate the bid. Hawever, the drawings were a requirement and it is <br />felti.that a mrare thorough and accurate review of the bids can be made when the <br />drawings are av�ailable. <br />2. '�'he consLanesn transmissi�n bi� by �np Pierce �Ifg. Car�pany is not accepta:��l� <br />and does ��t meet the speci.fications which called fox syncrcmesh. <br />3. The Pierce bid cioes not provide fox' a Horton clutch or ec{uaI which is called <br />for in �he specifications and it is �e1t that the Horton ciutch is an iz�ortant <br />cc+mponent of the tvtal piece of equipment. <br />4. The Pierce :�i�g. Co. bid deviates from the sp�cifications in areas of great <br />importan�° to the final piece o� equi�mtent and, �therefore, the bid shauld <br />be re}ec�ed. <br />5. It is re��rr,►-�ended that th� bi� be awarded �.o the General Safety Inc. Co. <br />in the am���,zt of �77,887. <br />If �the Cot�:cil. ca�curs �,rith the staff's opiniort, the appropriate motion would be: <br />Mot�on �+�ra�ding the contrac� to Genexal Safety Inc. in the amount <br />af $77,�5' fo�- the purchase of fire appaxatus pursuant to Specificatinns <br />for Fire Apparatus and Equipment pravided by the C�.ty �Co the bidders. <br />
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