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���U��T F'�� ���l�C1L ACTI��V <br />AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPT./DIV.: <br />Public Heaxing Adm <br />fTFM NO.: IT�M DESCRIPTION: CY'2atlOri O� a Roseville Housing aild <br />� Redevelopment Authority <br />b--1 <br />DAFE: �-3�-75 <br />D�PT. HEAD APPROVAL, <br />MGR. ftEVIEWED/RECDMMEIVDS: <br />On hlarch 3, 1975, the Councii establi.shed March 31, �975 as a hearing date �or the creation of <br />a Roseville Housing and Redevelopment Authoxifiy. Notice nf hearing was published zn the <br />Rosevill.e Sun newspaper on hlarch Z2, 1975. <br />The purpose of the hearing is to xeceive testimony and for the Councii to detern►ine the need <br />for such an authority. <br />'f`he Council is required �o adopt a resolution which atzests to the need for an Authority. <br />The resolution states that the following conditions exists ax need to be pxeventeck. <br />1. Sub-standard, slum and blighted areas exist which cannot be redeveloped <br />without governmental assistance. <br />2. Inadequate housing for veterans ax servicemen and their families. <br />3. A shortage of decent, sa£e and sanitary dwellangs availabl.e to the low <br />incor�es and elderly persons in a price they can af�ard. <br />The powers of a housing authority do not include the right to Ie�y ar collect taxes, <br />although it allows the City Council the power to levy an additional one 'third mi11 if <br />it so eiects. The major powers of the authority axe: <br />1. To sue or be sued <br />2. Hire an Executive Director and other necessary sta�f <br />3. Se11 bonds as a means to finance projecfis <br />4. Own property and hold property £ax future use. <br />5. Lease or xent any dwellings and establish appropriate xents <br />6. Construct and own housing or corrunercial units. <br />7. <br />8. <br />9. <br />10. <br />Gontract and en�ex into agreemenzs with other govexnmen�aJ; bodies. <br />Exgenditures necessary to carry out its purpose <br />Se13. propex-ty under the Iiomesteading Law <br />Condemn property. <br />In ihe determination ot need ta prevent sub-standard, slum or blighted areas there is <br />ev�dence to suppoxt �hat a certain portion of the housing stock in need of rehabilitation <br />as the City ages. In 1970, there were 9�967 housing units in Roseville and S% of those <br />were identified by the U. S. Cencus Bureau as in need of rehabilitation. <br />Cont inued <br />