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B-=1 (Page 2) <br />Tn the determinatiorz of the need for adequate, decent, safe and san�tary <br />dwellings for servacemen and Iow income and elderly persons at prices that <br />they can affoxd, there is evide.nce to support the need for a housing assistance �. <br />program. In I97�, the U. S. Censtis Bureau reported that: <br />1. 300 of the rentexs 1��ea in inadequate dwellings <br />2. 75% of the famiiies tivere payzng more than 300 0£ their incor�►e for rent. <br />3. 141 e].derly renters wexe paying more than 300 of their i.�come far rent <br />and 77 elderly renters paid more than 500 0� their income far rent. <br />The imrnediate need and impetus £or co�si.dering the estafilishment oi a Rosevil.le <br />Housing Authoz�ity was based on the Gouncal's decision ta apply for xental <br />assis�ance units under Section 8 of the Hausing and Comn►unity Developmen� Act. <br />it was believed ��iat the establishment of a locaZ housing authoraty would provide <br />the best organizationai structure for maintaining desirabl.e local contro� aver the <br />administxa� ion of rental assistance programs. <br />Action Reqtxested; �f the Council determines there is a need for a housing <br />authority, the foilowing actions are in order: <br />1. Mo�ion.adopt�ng a resolution declarzng the need and establishing a <br />Housing and Redevelopment Authaxity to function in the Cifiy of <br />Rosevill.e. <br />2. Motion adoptiing a reso�.ution appointzng the indzvidual members of the <br />Councii as CoBUnissionexs of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of <br />Rosevzlle. <br />3. Motion appointing James �. Andre, as Execufiive Director of the Raseville <br />Housing Authority. <br />