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-z- <br />OTHER ORGA�IZA7IONS <br />T�e surround�ng suburbs and count�es are experiencing a far hiqher incidence <br />of Dutch E7m and Oak Wilt diseases then we have s�en �n Rosevil7e. As <br />exam�l es , 1 ast year, Fiapl ev�ood had 652 i deni� �Fi ed trees ,�larth Sai nt Paul <br />had 80 �rees. <br />Some af the comnunities expect their valu�e to double th�s year. Th�y <br />each have undertalcen a program of inspection �Q conform w�th the State <br />regulations and have hired private contractors to remove and dispose of <br />the trees. These contracis are obtained via a bid basi5. <br />Rec�ntiy, a non-profii agency knotivr� as Occupatianal Training Cent�r has <br />endeavared to org�nize in a manner that a�lo�ld p�rmit them io provid� a service <br />af remaval and disposal of diseas�d tress for governmen�al ager�cies in a law <br />cost fashion. They have had several diffzcuii problems arTSe, ho�vever, which <br />make their success questionable at this time and impossib�e for �ons-idzratian <br />in 197'5. <br />EPfVISION�D PR�SLEMS <br />The fo�lawing are sorr� of tf�e problems that may occur in canjunctian with <br />the 11�5t3 tUt'l0�1 of a di seased tree program: <br />a. Based on infarmation from o-�her camm�nities, �t is e�tfmated that it <br />a��i 71 reQUi re twa men doi ng fu1 i ti me i risnecti orr �o i nspect '�he <br />communit� and notify owners within �he six ��reek period each sprir�g <br />an� summer as per the State regulat�on, 7hese peo�le must be found, <br />seiected an� trained. (See 5te� 2 of �rogram for proposed solu'tion) <br />b. A contractor must be se7ected prior to P^,ay 15 -�o meet State deadlir�es. <br />'�his con�ract should include tree rernoval, grind stum�, refill wiih <br />black dirt and dispos� ofi tree. (See Step 3) <br />c. The vo��me and size of trees is a�most impossib7e to accurately <br />predict for bidding purposes or to de�ermine ho�v many property <br />ovrners Htouid have to share �ihe cost af insoection if �his is <br />inc�uded ir� the fee struciure. {See Steps 3 and 4) <br />d. The Code (Sec. 2��.020) gives ten (10} days �or the o�rner to remove <br />trees leaving onl{ �er� days far ihe City to caordinate removal vri�h <br />a contractor, ihis time schadule shau�d not be shortened. (S�e Step <br />5) <br />e. Trees near other susceptibl� trees, are recornr�end�d �o be protected <br />by piacing a ch�m�cal in the around araund th� diseased tree. Th�s <br />ti�oUl d probabiy_ have tc� be done by c7 ty forces, bu� coul d be eontrac-ted <br />for at $10 to $12 per tree, (See Step 6) <br />f. The occu�ant in many cases'.is not the own�r of record wf�ich results ir� <br />. tF�e i ndi �i dual ei ther no� lcnawing about a requi red re►�oval �nti 1 the <br />con�ractor arrfves or potentially several �rips being ne�ded bac'.< to <br />the loi {sometimes at night) to find the occupant. A�aritten natice <br />left in the door wou�d be another method, but no�t fooipr�of. (5ee Steo 5) <br />