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�i���t�J : l�arcn 27, 1975 <br />i0 : Ci ty �tanager <br />FROM : Publ � c�lorfcs Di rectar �y t�',i{ <br />RE: Revi�w af D�seased 7ree Program, <br />�XTSTI��IG SITt1ATI0�V <br />State La;� {Chap. 18.023) requir�s ��iai t��-�ce each year, every tre� in the <br />carru�uni ty must be i nspecied �for Outch El r� Di sease and Oak Wi i t�i seas4. <br />This inspection must be dane during the spring and summer growing seasans <br />wi t� deadl i nes o�' Jul v l. and August 15. Ant� di seased trees faund r�us t�� <br />removed and disposed of witr�in 20 �ays. <br />Accara�e records of such ins��ction, not#fications, remova7s and disposal <br />of diseased trees must be done as well as a comp�eie inventory of all trees. <br />This must be under the supervision of a certifi�d tree insp�ctc►r. <br />The City currenily has a certified tree inspec�or tivno ma�ntains records of <br />diseased trees on Eity bo�alevards. The City has an ordinar�ce in the pu61�c <br />nu�sance sec-�ion of the code (210) prov�dinq us with the power to: <br />1. Ins�ect all trees for disease. <br />2. Identify and mark such trees. <br />3. Notify property o�vner of situatian and inf�rm hi�r that �e has ten days <br />to remove the tree or tf�e ci t,y wi 7 I do so. <br />4. A11 cost for �nspection and removal of such trees shall be assessed <br />against the �roperiy. <br />5. If not paid �f�ithir� 3Q days, the CQS'�5 wi13 be p3aced on the n�xt <br />succeeding years' taxes. <br />The 1975 budget contains $4,!�00 to pay for th� Ci ty Inspector an� t��vo <br />tempor�ry summer helpers. <br />To date, the ideritified boulevard trees have been remaved and dispased of at <br />landfills by a private contractor. Private�y owned tre�s that have been <br />found have been removed by the property o�rner or by a contractor hired by t�im_ <br />Last _year th� known voiurne af diseased trees Lvas 12 trees on boulevards and <br />12 trees on privaie profi�rty. ihe city has no site to dispose of such trees <br />and even having a temporary stocicpiie for Tater re�noval is a problem. The <br />Central Park location on Dale Street is unacc�ptable to t�e CentraI Park <br />�aundation. <br />llhen bou7evard trees are removed, we give the owner a sapling to �lant in <br />his �ot to keep the city attractive. <br />