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Case Number: 8$� �5 <br />March 5, 1975 �� ` <br />��. Page 7hree <br />�� 6. The appEicani- pr�poses i-o rezone th� prop°ri-y to R-3A 4vhich allows a priva�e <br />club as a special Use wif-Fhin thai- disiricf. Anot�er op�ion 4vould �ave been to <br />zo�e i-ha land B-1 which allows a priva�e club as a permit�ed use, Tf�is zor�e <br />wauld hawever,-woulc!-a�lo�vas permifted uses a�her lirr�ited 6usiness struc�ur�s <br />irtcluding office buildings, professionaf buiidings, efc. Under t�� R�-3A di;i-ric#, <br />of caurse, permii-fed uses incEude the develo�ment of rnulti-family struetures, <br />v�ith hospitdis, sanitariums, resf hQmes, nursing homes, and privai-e clubs and <br />lot{ges as special uses wii'hin that disEric� , lt would appear that the d�veiapment <br />of the clui� itse�f an i-I�is site could be accommodated in a very reasona'r�le fashion <br />in a manner compatible with fihe Cify par�c to fhe easfi and the residentiai area to <br />t�e west and th� nori-h. The risk lies in the applica�ion of the zaning to the land <br />in the event i-ha� the club is not buili-. It is therefore imporian� on the part of <br />th� Planr�ing Cornmission and the Council to ascertain the degree af certain'r-y <br />tQ which i�h�y feel the club is commiti�ed to proceed w�ith i-he consi-rucfion as <br />proposed . <br />7. Exar,iination of the si�'� p{ans, grading pfans, and landscape plans wouid inclica�'e <br />a vety SaFisfactory pnd we�l thougi�f ouf so�u�ion to �he cieveloprre nt program itsel�. <br />Access would be af� Caesnty Road B-2 at a corrsmvn driveway point on th� wesfi side <br />of the site which would serve the single fat�r3ily hause c�s �ve{I, tha't is where the <br />drivewny curren�ly exist serving tne house. lltlith the developrr�an�- of ihz signalized <br />�. intersection at Couni-y Road $-2 ar�d Hamline, ii' is Iikely i-hafi the minimal umouni' <br />'. of traffic invalved in the operation of a ciub of this kind will be af no trafFic <br />signii�cance. Thzre does exist fihe oote�'rial for th� use o� the prop�ri-j in quesi-ion <br />and its �'aci{ii-ies in conjunci'ion wi;h the Rosevill° Parfc area to fha east. We - <br />suggesfi the PIanning Commissian and Council ques�io� the applicant-s regarding �he <br />pofiet�t-ial availabilify oF such a s�i-ucture fw use in conjunction with the park and <br />recreai-ion departrrteni� and its activiiy programs. <br />8. Condi�ions required of tha Shoreline Zoning 4rdinance hpve been qccommaclafied <br />in the site plans as progosed. Your Ciiy �ngineering Depa�tment wil! b4 a{�fe to <br />commeni' on ;he questions concerni�g drainage as it reia�es b�i'ween #he si�'e and <br />tne panding area wi�hin i'F�e park si�-e to i-he easi-. <br />