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Case Number: $8� � �� <br />March 5, 1975 Page 7wo <br />regara fio the si3-e os ii' exist-s now ev�ry eff�r'r wi11 be macle to retain as many <br />trees in bn�h i-he parlcing areas and around the building as possi6le. Our <br />irtten'tions are also ta landscape i-he lot �o conrorm v�iiFh th� ad�acen� areas <br />particulari�y the eastern partion of fihe �ot will not be used so thai there is crn <br />orderly progression into ti�e wetfancls. V'Je de�initely feel thai- t%e proposed <br />buildir�g will be a posii-ive addition �o the commvnify as a whole." <br />3. The property is coni�ig�ous i-o WiElow Pand Par!c owned by the Ci�y of Roseville, <br />and partions of which are owned by the P.osev+Ile Schooi Disfrict (nated or� f%e <br />map). The permanen� bo�ndary of the park, as proaosed in the Com�rehensive <br />Plan, is t�e existing wesi-er�y boun�dary as shown an i�ne rr�ap excepi- for i�he <br />proi-rusion into the park in parcei numb�r 030.1�. �'he parcel 'rr� qvestion and <br />the strip af lar�d i�a fihe north between Ham�ine Avenue and �%e westerly <br />boundary of the paric shows on the CorrEOrehensive Plan for single fami�y <br />residentia! purposes. <br />4. The applican'� has prepared a dei-ailed sife plan indicafiing i-heir proposal to <br />consi�ruct a 5,000 square faoi- �wo-story buifding (�irst floor and basemen# levei} <br />in the far nor-�h�rly area of the sit-e with a parfcing lot and an accPss design <br />accommodai�ing 47 parking spaces. ihe design is v�el! done as relr�tes fio fihe <br />si�e with. i'he Uuiiding sei bock �5 feet Frorr� �h� par[c boundary and th� parking <br />� set back 35 feei- fro►n fhe park boundary. The parking area is sei� bacfc a total <br />� of 41 feet from Cour�ty P.oad $--2 after 10 ree� of land is dedicafed for t{1e <br />addiaional righfi-of-way for County Road 6-2. Large scale CIifIWETlgS WtII �7�2 <br />avai�able at i'he heating, sF�owing the site plan, grading plan, trees iro be <br />refiair�ed and removed, a detailed landscaping plan, elevatior�s of the bui[dings <br />proposed, and a perspective drawing. <br />5. A numb�r af actions ar� in�olved in �ne processing a� this app�ica�ion: A division <br />af ihe loi- is required inasmuch as fih� sou��erly 1�QIf of th� si�-e is the easfierly end <br />of an existing lot shown on fhe drawing ai- the leffi as Parce! 030.18. The division <br />of fihis loi� i�aves a 5ingle famiIyhome at tne corner of Coun#y Road B-2 and Hamline <br />wl�ich is occ��ied by �he existing owner. This hoe�se is sei-back a good c�is�-ance <br />from boti� Hamlirt� Avenue and Cau�ty Road B-2, approxima'rely 60 fee�. As a <br />condii�ion to this division of iot an additional 1Q f�ei- o� righi--of--way is propased <br />fi� b� dedicai-ed for Couniy Rocsc! B-2 ❑nd Harr�line Avenue i-o �he wes�. 3'he <br />re�aining lofi wi11 have dimensions of i32 feet 6y �37 feefi, th�s ciearly accominoda�-ing <br />t�e lot size requiremeni�s for a�corn�r sinc�le family residential iat. <br />� <br />