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Pag� 2-PIK <br />�(4) That a�l runo£i and pollution control devices serving solely his de�elopment shall <br />be maintazned by the owner. <br />Z(6) That except �ar actavitzes eminating off the owner's property and beyond the owner's <br />control; ai1 drains, �onding axeas, and pollution cantrol devices which are not <br />propexly mainrained �y the awner; may be mazntained by ihe City and the costs <br />�orne by the oianer. <br />J(9) That outdoor and bui�ding lighting shalX be designed and built so as to have na <br />direct source o£ light visible from neighboring res�dential areas. Plans for <br />such lighting shall �e subject to re�iew and approval by the City. <br />K(15) That the O�ner shall post a performance bond at the beginning of each o� �he <br />phases in the amount of 1z times the estimated costs nf the development of grading, <br />surfacing, stoxm water management, utilities, �erming and lighting. <br />L{10) That the ownex agrees to support the decision fio ultimatiely remove County Road <br />C-2 as it passes through Langdon Lake. <br />M(11) That the own�r agrees to support and be a paxt o£ the area to be included in a <br />study of the dxainage and storm water management in the Langdon Lake drainage <br />basin. 5uch study sha1l include complete ana�ysis af storm water and poilutant <br />environ�ental impacts on Langdon Lake, and its drainage basin. Such study <br />shall be done and effectuated through the taxzng and assessment powers of the <br />appropria�e government agencies including, but not limited to the City of <br />Roseville. <br />N(16) That the Owner agrees to conform to a11 x��uixements of the Shore�ine Zanzng <br />Ordinance and agrees to suppoxt the uitimate storrn water and pollutia� control <br />devices as nay be effected throuoh the normal assessment district provisions <br />relating to overal� �enerits according ta law. <br />0. That the city grant th e oraner a �0' temporary canstructzon easement over the south <br />and west portz.on af the City property. This ease�tent is to expire upon the <br />completion of.the zmprovements as set forth zn the pJ.ans. <br />In addition to these conditions the Plar.ning Commission recommended a�easi.bilzty study be <br />undertaken regardir_g th� cirainage basin at Langdon Lake. This action wauld appear to be <br />handled best in conjunctian with a fornal feasibili�y study fax actual storm drainage <br />improvemen�s ta serve this area, 'Fhe inclusion o� the effect of such i.mpravements on the <br />receiving bodies would seem to harre merit but this approach would require considerahle <br />discussion ta establish the parameters of this complex subject including the potentially <br />wide range of costs invalved. <br />It is, therefore, recommended that this matter be taken up in a council work session in <br />the near ftiture. <br />