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Staff Convnents on PIK Terminal Conditions <br />T. Planning Cominission conditaons 5, 7, 12, 13 and 14 all refer to easements and <br />could be stated as fallows� to simplify and clarify the easments re�uired <br />to safcguard the city: <br />A. Thafi in regard to a11 public utilities on the site, both existing and as <br />required in the future resulting from storrn draanage construction, that <br />these facilities be provided with easements detexmined adequate hy the City <br />access to the facilities, and/ox ponding areas for their constructzon and <br />maintenance. <br />8. That the owner agrees to provzde access and build a tunnel, subj�ct to the <br />City's design approvai, to accommodate sanitary sewer and other utilities <br />under the owner's structures as proposed in Phas� 2. <br />C. The potenrzal problem of the City not having �egal access to t�e deditated <br />park Iand by citizens or employees was not co�ered by the Planning Commission <br />canditions. It leaues the City zn the position where we can't get to the <br />site to undertake necessary and desirable activities such as constructing <br />berms, planting tzees, path cons�ruction, grass plantings, or maintaining <br />the area. Reasonabie access to the site to undertake its improvement or <br />- �aintenance should be obtaznecl at least for city representatives. <br />II. Planning Commission conditions 1, 2 and 17 ref er to right-af-way s�tuations <br />of deeding property to the City and cauld be stated as �ollows: <br />� <br />B. <br />'I'haz the Owner agrees to dedicate approximately I0.5 acres of land shown <br />on plans submitted. and dated March 27, 1975. The exact property lanes shall <br />be subject to adjustment to the extent that the minimu�► depth af dedication <br />sha11 be 1D0 feet from the control level line af Langdon Lake as described <br />by suxvay a£ter meltzng of snow co�er in the Spring of 1975. <br />arant a ermanent road�ay easement � <br />T�at the owner°. _.P /�or a cul-de-sac (50 X�ao ) at the groposed <br />r.arth terminus of Prior Avenu.e. <br />C. Trat the applicant dedicate the easfierly half {30 feet) oF hlount Ridge Road <br />sautn. ofr the narth side af Iona. This action is predicated on the point tha� <br />the requested vaca�ion o£ Iona and Mount Ridge Roaci south of Iona should be <br />denied as per tha intent of the Planning Corrnnission and agreed to by the owner <br />at the Planning Cammission meeting. This deniai was inadvertent�y omitted <br />from the Commissian action but verif ied by Chairman Albert Grauel as the <br />desire of the Cflmmission. <br />III. Conditian S referred to ber� constxuction by developer tvi�h exc�ss ma�exaal. <br />He had �rev�ously commented thafi those trees being removed during construction <br />could be replanted on 'the new berm by city if we desired. The proposed bexm <br />construction is samewha�C questionable from the city sta£f viewpoint for the <br />following reasons: <br />A) The construction tivould necessitat� the removal of over 300 trees with many <br />af them being large trees aver i2" in dzameter. <br />B) <br />C) <br />Diffzculty in czty replantzng - 80� of trees cauld nat be replanted with. <br />presen� equipment and i5Q would be difficult. <br />tiVrong type of trees to provide yeax xo�ind screennng - conif erous trees <br />would be more desirable. <br />