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CIT� OF ROSEVILLE <br />Regular Meeting of the Crty Council - March 31, 1975. <br />Y�° Ci�y Council met on �he above date �x�h the followzng members <br />:��nto Mayor Linebarger, Coun�ilmen b�mos, Hess, Brennan and <br />�u�leyo <br />A-1 Brennan Moved, Hess Se�onded, that the minutes of the meeting of <br />Ma�°ch 17a I9iS, be approrredo Roll CalYa �iyes� Demos, Hess, <br />Brennan, G�.�r 1 ey and Li.nebax�ger o Nays e None o . <br />State Repres�ntatirre Bo �a P'1iil�r�nk px•esen�:ed a Certif�.�ate <br />and Bi�Cen'�enn�al F'lag �ecogniz�.ng Roseville as a Bi-Centennial <br />Commun�t}+�a <br />B-1 Hess Moueda Demo� Seconded� that Resolut�on Noo 6240 declaring <br />the need and establi�h�ng a Hou��ng and Redevelopment Authority <br />t.o funct�on in the Gity of R.oseville be adoptede Roll Call, <br />Ayese Demos, }3ess� Brennan, Curley and Linebargero Nays: <br />No ne o <br />C-1 Hess Moved, Brennan Secanded, that the �Ianning Commission <br />openings be readvertised and that �he appo�ntments be made in <br />�Chree week�� Ayeso Hes� and Bx°ennane Nay�se Demos, Curley <br />and L�nebargero <br />Curley Moved, Demos Secondeda that J'ohn Rukavina, 1836 West Shryer, <br />be appointed t� the P1annYng Comm�ssion to fzll the unexp�red term of <br />��trick Durgfn, rahich term exp�res on Maxch 31, 1978o Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Demos, Curley and i,inebargera Na�s; None� ,4bstentionse iiess and <br />'°nnano CouncYlman Hess abstained because he felt the Planning <br />Co,...ngssion open�ngs should have been labeled for a specific area of <br />the C�tyo Councilman Bx°ennan abstained because some o� the appli- <br />cants would not have applYed �f t�iey knew the crzteria ior selection <br />would include residency rn a certazn par� of the Cityo <br />Brennan Moved, Hess Seconded, that Ray Bar�on be appointed to the <br />Plannxng Commission for a term March 31, 19790 Ayes: Hess <br />and Brennano Nayse Dem�sa Curley° and Lznebargera <br />Demos Moved, Curl.ey Seconded, that Mark Mastel, 2438 North Lexington, <br />be appointed to the Flann�ng Comm3�sion f'or a fu11 term expiring <br />Ma.rch 31, 19790 Roll CaZ.I., A�eso Demos, Curley and Linebargera <br />Nays� Hess and Brennano <br />7:30 P.M. <br />MINUTES <br />FRESENT�TI�IV <br />RESOLUTIQN <br />N0. 6240 <br />PLANNING <br />co��sszox <br />JOHN RUKAVINA <br />RAY BARTON <br />MARiC MASTEL <br />Hes� Mov�ed, Linebarger Seconded, �that George Colby�, 2958 Patton Road� GEORGE COLBY <br />be appozn�ed to tY�e Human Rzghts Commassion to fi11Y>the unexpired <br />term o� Ronald Denz�on, whi�Ya ter�n expgres on February 1, 1976o Roll <br />Call, ,4yeso Demos, Hess, B�ennan, Curley and Linebarger, Nayso <br />Noneo <br />Brennan Moved, Demos Seconded, tha� Margaret Smzth, 170b West Ryan <br />.4rrenue, be appointed to the '�arks and f�ecreation Cammittee to a fu13. <br />term expiring on March 31, 1978o Roll Calla Ayes: Demos, Hess, <br />Brennan, Curley and Lznebargero Nayse Noneo <br />MARGARET SMITH <br />