- 2-
<br />C-1 Curley Moved, Demos Seconded, that Caroly�n Cushing and
<br />George �7ohnson be �reappointed to the Rosev�lle Planning Commission
<br />for a�our y�ear term expir�ng on March 31, 19790 RoT1 Call, Ayes:
<br />Demos, He�sa Brennan, Curley and Linebarger, Nays: Nonee
<br />E-Z Hess Mo�ed, Brennan Seconded, that the request of Arthur Gluek
<br />for div�.sion of lots at 1909 and I910 Gluek Lane be denied.
<br />Ao11 Call, Ayes� Demos, Hess, Brennan, Curley and Linebarger.
<br />I�ay s o IVone o
<br />��-2 Demos Moved, Hess Seconded, that Resolution Noo 6241 urging the
<br />Minnesota State Legislature to considex changes to the open
<br />meeting Iaw which would provide for amendments to the law as pro-
<br />posed in the draft legislation submit�ed by the League of Minnesota
<br />Munycipalities be adoptedo Roll Call, b�ese Demos� Hess, Brennan,
<br />Curle� and Linebarger o IVay�s :: Noneo
<br />Brennan Moved, Hess Seconded, that Resolution Noo 6242 opposing
<br />Senate F'iie 939 regarding restr�ctzons on local land use be
<br />adoptedo Roll Ca11, Ayeso Demosa Hess, Brennan, Curley and
<br />L�.nebarger o Nays o Noneo
<br />E•�3 Demos Moved, Hess Seconded, thar Resolution Noo 6243 appointing
<br />Steve North as Altiernate Director to the 5uburban Rate Authority
<br />Board be adopteda Roll Call, Ayese Demos, Hess, Brennan, Curley
<br />and I�inebargero Na�s, None�
<br />Em4 Demos Mov�ed� Hess Seconded, that Resolution Noo 6244 calling for
<br />fea.sibility report on the construction of a frontage road west of
<br />'TH 51 from County Road C to County Raad C�2, Project P-75-3, be
<br />adopted., Ro11 Call, Ayeso Demos, Hess, Brennan, Curley and
<br />Lineb ax°g er , Na�s o No ne a
<br />E-5 Cuxley Moved, Brennan 5econded, that the staff be authorized to
<br />insti�ute a diseased tree program in conformance with the Minn-
<br />e��ta S�a�e Statutes and �he C�.ty Code; and further that the City
<br />x°ecei�e bids far the removal of said diseased trees by receiving
<br />bids on April 24, 1975o Ro11 Call, Ayeso Demos, Hess, Brennan,
<br />Curle� and Linebargero Nayso Noneo
<br />E�b Brennan Moved, Demos Seconded, that the sta�f hold a preliminary
<br />iniormation meering with the Ramsey Co�nty sta�f and zntexested
<br />citi�ens concerning the widening of Lexington Avenue f'rom County
<br />Raad B to Woodhili Drive� Roll Call� Ayese bemos, Hess, Brennan,
<br />Cur 1 ey and L inebax°g ex^ o I�ays � None o
<br />E-7 Demos MovedD Hess Seconded, that the Dale Street-County Road C
<br />Storm Drain re�iew be continued until the meeting of April 21,
<br />I975o Roll Call, Ayes: Demos, Hess, Brennan, Cuxley and
<br />Linebarger. Nayse Noneo
<br />E-8 Hess Morred, Demos Seconded, �hat A.greement Noo SP b284 (35W-394}
<br />903 90-�488 for use of' surplus State property sou�h of I-35W between
<br />Eustis and F'ulham Streets ior recreational purposes by the City of
<br />Roseville be approvedo Roll Call, Ay�ese Demos, Hess, Brennan,
<br />Curley and Linebargero Nayso Nonee
<br />N0. 624�
<br />N0. 6242
<br />NQv b243
<br />N0. 6244
<br />AVENUE
<br />"C" STORM
<br />DRAIN
<br />LAND
<br />