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Page 2-Comments <br />D) Cost io city fax proposed plan �s estimated at $6,OD0. <br />E) Berrn woul�. have to be seeded or sodded to provide vzsual amenity, <br />conirol erosion, and establish good natural condit�ons. Constructing <br />the berm only in the axea whexe tree growth is minimal would seem <br />more desixabJ.e to maintain the natural setting, afford visual screening <br />via the larger existing trees, and minimzze city effox-ts far construction <br />and maintenance. <br />TV. Conditzons No. 16 recommended by the P3.anr►ing Commission is not necessary <br />because the code alreaay mandates the adherence to the Shoreline dxdinance <br />and the support of future storm drainage construction is not legally enfarce- <br />able. <br />V. 8} Condition No. 10 reeommended by the Planning Commission is usefu.l to put. <br />the owner on �aublic record but is un-enforceable. <br />VT. Condztion lI refers to owner support of future studies and funding. This <br />condition while es�ablzshing the owners viewpoint and publicly airing his <br />feelings would not stand up legally z£ he should change his mind at same <br />future ciate. <br />VII. Condition 6 specifies that if the owner �oes not proper�y raaintain his <br />draznage facilities that the city can do so and charg� the cos�s to him except <br />those beyond the control o£ the owner. The lari gnrtion refexxing to beyond <br />the controi of the owner should be clarified to more clearly ind.ica�e that the <br />intent is for the owner to be ful3y responszble fax those facilities he <br />constxuc�s to serve hi�t along but not for those serving athers af �itey cause <br />the problem. <br />ti=ITI. �n ar�er to pxovi�ie for the praper slope work on the terminal side of berms <br />it will be recessary for the owner io enter the City land. The appropriate <br />manner to dea� with this situation is to provide a temporary construction <br />easement aver the af�ected property. It zs, therefore, recorn�nended that the <br />City grant tHe ow-ner a 30' temporary construction easement aver t3�e south <br />azd west portian of th� City proper�y. This easement is to exp�re upon ihe <br />completion of the i,-nprovements as set farth in the plans. <br />