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-4- <br />6o That if proper maintenance of drainage, pipes, ways, ponding areas, and <br />pollution control devices is no� done by the owner, the city has the right <br />to perform such services, the cost of which shall be billed ta and paid by the <br />owner except those beyond the control of the owner; <br />7o That rhe surface drainage control device located directly south o£ Langdon <br />Lake shall be located within 10 �eet o£ the north line of owner's property <br />and shall be maintained by the owner as per items 4, 5 and b above; <br />Sa That berms shall be built as shown on plans at the tzme developmem occurs <br />contiguous to the berm areaso. In addition� the ow�ner shall deposit excess <br />fzll on the City park land as may be requested by the City at the time of such <br />developmen�; <br />90 That outdoor and building lighting sha12 be designed and buzlt so as to have no <br />direct source of Iight visihle irom neighboring residential areaso Plans for <br />such lighting shall be subje�t to review and appxoval by the City; <br />l0e That the ownex agrees to support the decision to ultimately xemove County <br />Road C-2 as it passes through Langdon Lakeo <br />lIe Tha� the owner agrees to support and be a part of the area to be zncluded in <br />a study of the drainage and storm water management in the Langdon Lake drainage <br />basino Such study shall include complete analysis of stoxm water and pollutant <br />environmental impac�s on Langdon Lake, and it� drainage basina Such stud� shall <br />be done and effectua.ted through the taxing and assessment powers of the approp- <br />riate government agencies �ncluding, but not Iimited to the C�ty of Rosevilleo <br />12o That the owner agrees to provide easement access and build tunnel, subject to <br />City's des�gn approval, to accommodate san�tary �ewex and other utilities under <br />the owner's structures as proposed in Phase 20 <br />I3a That a 60 �oot wide portion of-Prior Avenue, as extended northerly to the <br />northern property line, be provided with a utility easement fxom zts southerly <br />point of public rzght-of-way where the vacation would begine (Existing water <br />and sanitary sewer facilities are in place in Prior Avenue)a <br />14e That the Own�r agrees to prov�de easements as ma� �e determineti by the City to <br />effectuate the ultimate storm water runoff system in Stage T�vo o£ the develop- <br />ment, �ncluding surface pondzng capacity on tx°uck�trailer parking areas and <br />ad�ust con�our consistent w�th such system plan requirementso <br />15o That the Owner shall post performance bonds in the amount of 1� times the <br />estimated costs of the development of grad�n$, surfacing, storm water manage- <br />ment, utilities, berming and lighting of stages one and twoo <br />16o That the Owner agrees to conform to all requirements of the Shoreline Zoning <br />Ord�nance and agrees to support the ultimate storm water and pollutian control <br />devices as may be e��ected through the normal assessment district provisions <br />relating to overall benefits according to lawo <br />