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<br />City Council Study Session Minutes- 01/12/04 <br />Page 12 <br /> <br />resolution, amend the utility rates at their discretion if deemed <br />necessary following completion of negotiations. <br /> <br />8. Discuss and Possibly Give Direction Regarding City Council <br />Rules of Procedure, Council Liaisons <br />Mter a brief discussion, it was Council consensus that additional <br />review and further consideration be given prior to discussion of <br />this item. <br /> <br />Councilmember Schroeder opined his preference for waiting for <br />the new Councilmember's election to have their input related to <br />these rules of procedure. <br /> <br />Councilmember Kough noted that he had additions to the <br />proposed rules. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing requested Councilmembers to provide their <br />comments and recommendations to City Manager Beets to <br />incorporate into the proposed Rules and Procedures. <br /> <br />9. Discuss and Possibly Give Direction Regarding a Potential Public Hearings <br />City Legislative Agenda for the 2004 Session of the State <br />Legislature <br />City Manager Neal Beets noted that when considering the Instant <br />Runoff election special legislation, other issues - some old and <br />some new - had also been brought to staff's attention; and were <br />included on the agenda for discussion and direction. <br /> <br />A. Tax Increment Financing <br />Community Development Director Dennis Welsch and City <br />Manager Beets reviewed attempted legislation during last <br />year's legislative session, noting that the atmosphere may be <br />more receptive with this legislative body for anticipated Tax <br />Increment Financing (TIF) for the Twin Lakes <br />Redevelopment area, given the substantial Brownfield area, <br />and realization that the area cannot be redeveloped without <br />some type of TIF of other aid. Mr. Beets noted that other <br />cities had achieved similar legislation; and staff was of the <br />opinion that one more attempt was worth the time and <br />energy to pursue the legislation, particularly with the <br />increased emphasis on the residential aspects of the project. <br /> <br />Tax Increment <br />Financing <br />