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<br />City Council Study Session Minutes- 01/12/04 <br />Page 15 <br /> <br />the legislation currently had their own <br />departments, and were broke, putting their <br />legislation in a completely different scenario. <br /> <br />full- time <br />proposed <br /> <br />c. Runoff Election System <br />Elections Coordinator Carolyn Curti provided brief <br />information on the proposed Instant Runoff Voting <br />legislation, outlining four concerns of staff that were related <br />to voter education, cost, accuracy, ballot printing, and the <br />timing in pursuing the legislation in conjunction with the <br />Special Election to fill the Council vacancy. <br /> <br />Councilmember Maschka spoke in favor of a Resolution of <br />support to pursue the special election that would be used <br />only in special elections, but providing an option to pursue. <br /> <br />Ann Berry, League of Women Voters (L WV) <br />Ms. Berry noted that the League of Women Voters study of <br />Instant Runoff Voting was part of a larger state study on a <br />variety of voting issues and options; and that the scope of <br />the study had been expanded to include other systems. Ms. <br />Berry anticipated the results of the state study within a few <br />months; and encouraged those interested to participate in the <br />public meetings for additional information. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing sought clarification as to the LWV's <br />position, with Ms. Berry confirming that the L WV had not <br />taken a position at this time, pending completion of the <br />statewide study and further discussion. <br /> <br />Bruce Kennedy, 1416 Skillman Avenue W <br />Mr. Kennedy noted that his affiliated organization, "Pair <br />Vote Minnesota" was looking to bring alternative voting <br />methods to the State of Minnesota and the City of Roseville. <br /> <br />Mr. Kennedy briefly reviewed the Instant Runoff process. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing noted his intrigue with the process; <br />reiterated his disappointment that a Primary would not be <br />held in conjunction with the Special Election this spring; <br />and expressed his main concern in educating the public if <br /> <br />Resolution 10184 <br />Runoff Election <br />System <br />