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<br />Special Joint Study Session: Roseville Citizen Commission Chairs, Department Heads, City Council <br />Saturday, 02/07/04, Harriet Alexander Nature Center, 2520 North Dale Street, Roseville, MN <br />Discussion Notes - Page 12 <br /> <br />Discussion continued related to daytime firefighter staffing <br />issues and response times; realistic review of the <br />commercial customer base; mutual aid assistance and <br />related affects to those communities as well; routine calls; <br />major mutual aid situations; and the need to get the first <br />crew on the scene as quickly as possible to prevent a routine <br />call from escalating into a major incident; sprinkler use, <br />building design and construction; and related inspection <br />services. <br /> <br />Recess/Refreshment Break Recess/Break <br />Mayor Klausing recessed the meeting at 10:55 a.m.; and <br />reconvened the Special Study Session at 11 :05 a.m. <br /> <br />7. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing noted the time, and took into consideration <br />those attendees needing to leave due to prior commitments, and <br />encouraged those able to stay to do so for additional discussion. <br />Community Development Services, 11:06 a.m. <br />Presenter: Community Development Director Dennis Welsch <br /> <br />Community <br />Development <br />Services <br /> <br />a. Mr. Welsch, along with Planning Commission Chair Jim Presenter: <br />Mulder; and Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Community <br />Chair Bill Majerus shared comments during the Development <br />presentation. Several references were made to the bench Director Dennis <br />handouts previously provided with updated demographics, Welsch <br />trends and significant issues facing the City from the <br />respective presenters in the Community Developn1ent area. <br /> <br />St th <br /> <br />rem!l s <br />1. Strong, creative leaders, teams, commiSSIOns and <br /> support staff <br />2. Customer and community orientation <br />3. Technical proficiency and state certifications, highly- <br /> educated, resilient <br />4. Visionary, identifies trends <br />5. Information retention and availability <br />6. Self-supporting, stable financially and staff-wise <br /> <br />Mr. Welsch commended the City's Community <br />