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<br />Regular City Council Meeting - 02/09/04 <br />Page 26 <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing requested that Mr. Kysylyczyn completed his <br />comments, and allow the Council to continue their discussion <br />and decision-making. <br /> <br />Mr. Kysylyczyn questioned rationale for appointment of several <br />appointees, including Mr. Wall and Ms. Pederson; and the <br />proposed categories for representation; and the consistency of <br />advertised standards. <br /> <br />Gale Pederson, panel applicant <br />Ms. Pederson commented on her application to represent her <br />employer, at the employer's request, given Ms. Pederson's past <br />experience and involvement in the community; and volunteered <br />to seek permission from her employer to find another appointee <br />to represent the business at the Council's discretion. Ms. <br />Pederson noted that her term on the Parks and Recreation <br />Commission expires on March 1, 2004; and noted that the Parks <br />and Recreation Commission, at their last meeting, had appointed <br />Rich Jacobson to represent the Commission on the Twin Lakes <br />Panel. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued among Councilmembers and staff (Mr. <br />Welsch) related to the wording of the applications and intent to <br />have the business represented, without stipulation of a designee <br />or the actual owner. <br /> <br />Mr. Welsh noted that some of the businesses were corporations, <br />and were represented, at the owners' discretion, by those who <br />would best represent the owners' interests. <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan recommended proceeding with individual <br />appointments. <br /> <br />Northwest/Brenner Neighborhood <br />Appointee #1 of 2 <br />Maschka moved, Kough seconded, appointment of Tim Kotecki, <br />3078 Mount Ridge Road, as resident representative of the <br />Northwest/Brenner Neighborhood to the Twin Lakes Stakeholder <br />Panel. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Ihlan, Schroeder, Maschka, Kough and Klausing. <br />